patient radiation protection
Ensuring the safety of both dental radiographers and patients involves a multi-faceted approach to radiation protection. Radiographers must avoid direct exposure to the primary beam by standing at least six feet away or using protective barriers and positioning themselves at a 90-135 degree angle relative to the beam.
recommended for intra-oral RGs only operator protection radiation monitoring personal monitoring equipment monitoring for leakage protector guideline most effective method of reducing a patient's radiation exposure if not available use fast films; f-speed or insight minimum aluminum filtration required for machine operating above 70KV = 2.5 mm Al at or below 70KV = 1.5 mm Al the dental radiographer must avoid the primary beam shielding recommendation protective barriers distance & position recommendation position 90-135 degree angle to the beam stand at least 6 feet (2 meters) away from x-ray, or use a protective barrier - recommended for both intra & extra- oral - effective lead shield should be 0.25mm at least or equivalent radiation monitoring badge patient radiation protection after exposure proper film processing/image retrieval proper receptor handling during exposure proper technique retake of any image must be avoided at all times! exposure factor selection KV= 60-80, Milliamperage=6-8 and shortest exposure time beam alignment devices film holding device digital sensors or fast films lead apron thyroid collar before exposure using proper equipment to decrease radiation position indication device "PID" collimation Total filtration customize prescribing dental images upon need for every patient