によって Melaina Elrafih 3か月前.
Using assertive communication means that you stand up for yourself in a confident and respectful way.
Using passive communication means not speaking up for yourself, even when something bothers you or is unfair. A passive person will just agree with other + what they do. "Doormat"
Using aggressive communication is when someone tries to get their way by using a harsh tone/ name calling, abrupt/rude and body language.
Being refusal in conflict or peer pressure situations means saying "NO!" to do something that you know that isn't right or something that you don't want to do. Example: Saying "No I don't want to." clearly and confidently.
Delaying means to avoid the conflict like not answering. For example saying like maybe later.
Negotiating means working together to solve a problem in away that everyone can agree on. (Compromise)
Social Media can connect all of these topics because it's a platform where all of these topics can act out on.
Resolving Conflict:
Bullying vs Harassment:
Dangers of the use of Computers:
Communication Styles:
Overall social media connects to all these issues because it persuades us on how we interact, resolve problems and stay safe online. So BE SAFE!!!!
Using computers can be dangerous, it's important to use computers responsibly and appropriately. Some of the reasons why using computers can be dangerous are Hacking & Viruses, Cyberbullying, Online Safety Risks and Addiction.
Online Safety Risks:
If you're not careful online, you might end up talking to strangers that can pretend to act your age and act like your best friend. But in reality they're 50 years old and living in there moms basement talking to little girls all over the internet. That's why it's important to set some rules or boundaries for who you can add online.
Spending too much time on computers, especially playing games or watching videos, can make it hard to focus on school or other after school activities. Examples: Homework, Any missing school assignments that are overdue and after school activities (sports and whatnot).
People can send mean/rude messages, or even comment something rude on someone's post on social media. People can also post stuff that can intentionally hurt others. This can also include leaking things and stalking.
Hacking & Viruses:
Clicking on the wrong link can let hackers steal your information or can cause your computer to stop working
The victim is the person who is being targeted by someone else (The Bully). This person is hurt emotionally or physically by the Bully's words or actions.
The bully is the person who uses their power over another person intentionally to hurt someone on a regular or on-going basis. This is a person who uses comments or actions to make someone feel unsafe.
The bystander is a person who is not involved in the bullying or harassment, but who sees/hears what the bully is doing. The bystander also may see the harm caused to the victim. This is someone who knows what is going on, but who doesn't do anything to stop it.
Bullying is very similar
to harassment but there is some
differences. For instance bullying
is a on going/continuous thing. Harassment
is not on going. And there is a power
imbalance between the people involved.
Sexual Bullying is when someone says or does mean things about another person's body, gender or private parts to make them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. Examples are sexual touching, Sexting and Sexual Threats.
Electronic/Digital, also called cyberbullying, is when someone uses phones, computers, iPads or social media to hurt or embarrass someone. This includes leaking personal things, stalking or commenting something rude.
Physical bullying is when someone hurts another person's body or damages their things on purpose. Some examples are fighting, assault and gang activity.
Social bullying is when someone tries to hurt another person's friendships or reputation. This can include spreading rumors, gossiping and being a fake friend.
Verbal bullying is when someone uses words to hurt, insult, or to make fun of another person. This can include name-calling, threats, cursing and being racist.
Harassment is when a person does any unwanted comments, gestures or actions/behavior to a person that makes them feel unsafe.