カテゴリー 全て - piano - development - music - neuroscience

によって Mekayla Wells 6年前.



Becoming a choir teacher requires completing a comprehensive 130-credit program covering various music and education courses. Music courses include musicianship, literature, history, form, and analysis, each crucial for understanding different chords, theories, styles, and the historical evolution of music.


Weekly 5: Courses to become a choir teacher.

Other skills I will need

I will also need to have good planning skills, because I will be in charge of concerts, fundraisers, and other events.
I will need to learn how to play the piano. It is hard to teach a choir class without those skills.

There is a total of 130 credits.

Education courses.
The exceptional students is a course posed towards those who have special needs. This might be a harder class for me because I don't have a whole lot of experience with special needs. I did have a foster sister who had a feeding tube and a track and I had to learn sign language. That was a really awesome experience for me to learn how lucky I was to be able to have a full-functioning body.
Student teaching is a good way to get acquainted with an actual class. I will also be able to share experiences as well as listen to others experiences from other student teachers.
The content area reading course will teach me practical skills for teaching. It also requires me to do 30 hours per semester of lab experiences, which will give me the experience I need to get a taste of teaching.
The Development, cognition, and understanding class will teach me social science, neuroscience and the study of exploring child and adolescent development. These studies will help me to understand why kids do what they do. There will be different stages of the mind to understand and this will also help me decide what age I want to teach.
There is the education philosophy, which is this class, then there is development and cognitive, reading in the content area, student teaching, and exceptional students grades 6-12.
Music courses
Courses not included in the required section don't include piano classes, which I will have to have taken, and will have to know how to play so that I can teach with the piano.
The last musicianship will teach me about different chords, pediatrician, theories and styles. Most of that is something that I have no clue about, but like I said before, it would give me a good background and support of why I do things the way I do it.
There is a technology class that will require me to do video and audio podcasts, which is something that I have never done before. This might open doors to different careers though too.
The musicianship classes I teach me different music tools and skills.
These courses will also give me the supportive background to know where music started and changed.
Music courses will help me refine my own skills in music, and if I pay attention enough, it will give me ideas of what kind of teaching works for me and what didn't.
There are 4 courses for musicianship, 4 classes for literature and history, and one class for form and analysis.

Weekly #1

How much can a teacher affect a student?

Teachers don't affect students that much.
Teachers can affect students
Bad teachers:

Another teacher, Mrs. DeGeorgio, wasn’t even my homeroom teacher. We went into her class as part of the rotation. I wasn’t too much of a loud student, but that day I was whispering to another class student about something. “Will you shut up? I am tired of your noise! If you can’t be quiet, then you can go to the office!” I remember laser glare that burnt holes into mine. I felt my face get hot and red and I wanted to start to cry. I felt everyone’s eyes on me, and from that point, I told myself I would never be a teacher who humiliated anyone like that.

Good Teachers:

Fifth grade, Mrs. Roundtree gave us a writing assignment that was due a week from the day she assigned it. I thought about it every day and continued to wonder what to write about. I don’t actually remember the subject, but I remember I procrastinated, so I was up the night before it was due. I wrote, and I wrote and I wrote so much that I filled out more than just the lines on the worksheet. I wrote on the back, on the side, and when I realized I still had more to write, I got another two papers filled with my thoughts. The next morning we turned them in and she started grading them while we were doing another assignment in class. She stood up and said, “Everyone, I want you to look at this paper.” I realized that she was holding up mine. “This is amazing. This is what it looks like to go the extra mile and to be passionate about what you write.” BAM! I had never been complimented before by a teacher. It kind of made me blush, but I was so excited that she liked it. It made me want to keep writing. So I did. I continued to write and it became something that I loved doing.

HOw do you get the attention of your students?

Teach like the Savior. Use analogies, use stories, teach with passion, and love.

Use the least attrusive level and if it doesnt work then you increase

After lookings, the students are still active, so then you whistle
Examples: Trying to get students to quiet down, by just looking.


What is the role of school in society?

Doctrinal thoughts:
In Heaven, we were being educated on what the world would be like. God, knowing that we wouldn’t even remember, knew that it would still be important for us to learn. Why? Well, once we learn something, it’s in our brain. It may not be remembered at all, but if it is in God’s plan for us to know, He has given us the Holy Ghost to teach and to testify to us that it is true. Adam and Eve were put into a place where life was perfect, but they didn’t even know what perfect was. Part of God’s plan was for them to learn, to be educated. Conversion is an interesting event and process. There are steps that have to be taken, and things that have to be learned. Sometimes in the gospel, we have to keep learning because we forget, but that is why we continue to go to church to be educated. We have personal revelation that is necessary for us to progress. Personal revelation is personal moments where God teaches us things specifically for us. The gospel is based on learning, and so is life.
School is a big factor in society.
Everything. Education is everything.
School doesn't hold much credibility in society.

Are male or female teachers more effective?

There is no difference
Personally, good teaching has nothing to do with sex. There are teachers who are male, and know how to teach, how to be nurturing, and how to be understanding, which is usually something people assume only woman are good at.

Christ was a man who was a perfect teacher, but I am sure that our Heavenly Mother is also a perfect teacher.

I have had female teachers who could care less about their job, about their students, and about anything in general. I have a strong belief that we just need good teachers of both genders. It is good for children to see that men can be good influences and good teachers just as much as it is for those same children to see women being good at those too. It is not about gender, it is about being caring.

Everyone is different, but we all have a Heavenly Father who created us with equal amounts of love.

Males are better teachers than females
Females are better teacher than males

How do you have one student present something and keep the other students calm?

When you have one student ready with info but other groups aren't ready, you have the class pause, listen to the speaker, and then they can go back to work. You give them time to finish, but you allow them to break for a second.
This can be hard because sometimes you need to know who needs to answer. Following the Spirit is very vital as a teacher.

How do you set up your classroom?

Do you have a simple classroom so that students can focus?
Do you have decorations to let your students look at?
I don't know if this helps or not. Christ didn't do anything fancy.
Do you have rows?

Do people have to have their own experiences?

I think people definitely need their own experiences so that they can experience opposition. I also think that people can learn from other people. They can look at someone going to jail and learn from them. Jail is bad.
This relates to why we are here on earth. We are here to learn and to grow.


Incorporate music into class

How to motivate students

How do you pick students to share/volunteer

Just have people volunteer
Christ always asked questions and didn't really pick on anyone, but He also asked questions that were soul searching.
Use a spinner

Wait time

You wait for students to give answers that they really believe, and talk about it
You wait for the students to give the right answer and then move on.


The basics that we need to do: pray read church.
Principles from the Gospel of Jesus Christ: The atonement, repentance, forgiveness, redemption.
Principles from the Plan of Salvation: Creation, the fall, the atonement. Our purpose here on earth and other questions related to that.
Christ the Master Teacher
Red: I don't believe it.
Yellow: Experimenting with it. I don't know yet.
Green: I believe in it. It is truth


Humans were meant to learn while moving.
Our bodies were made in the image of God, who has a perfected body. Our bodies are amazing tools we have to use on earth.
We weren't the fastest and we didn't have the best senses, we were able to learn while we move.
FITBITS - Should students have them? They signal that the person has been sitting too long.
The body and the mind work together. Our bodies are a sacred thing that we received ink this life.
There is a lot less depression in a community that is active.
P.E. - Good or bad?
P.E. or recess?

Should you have to grade students for being physically active? Why do most PE classes grade the fitness test.

I believe that having a good P.E. class is a good thing.
Does your body stature show how your mind is?

Can you be more perfect than perfect? Sometimes we think that perfect is one specific goal, but what happens when we surpass that goal?

Does the standard and responsibilities of perfection change?
Perfection is a journey




Did Christ ever go on strike? I mean, he never strayed from His mission, even if the government tried to stop Him.

We were meant be act not to be acted upon.


Some tests try to grade if they do all or nothing
How are assignments going to work?
How to run the class

Invite them to answer

Interrupt a student who doesn't have an applicable answer.

Students pick their own partners.

Students pick their own

Have students read their scores out loud


The better the learner knows the better the volunteering

Volunteering can be over used and abused.

Limits on volunteering

You have to know your students!

Extra credit for volunteering


If there is no expectation, then there wont be progress.

Does the Holy Ghost testify differently when it's about education things rather than spiritual things?
The Holy Ghost testifies the same regardless of the information.
The Holy Ghost testifies differently for different things.


Spiritual things are felt more in our heart and soul rather than our minds, because most of the time religion doesn't fit the standards of logic.

Educational/physical things

He will testify differently because academic things are more physical, so we may see it with our eyes, like an experiment. We may feel that it is true more in our mind because it is more logical and physical.

The Holy Ghost is part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we are baptized, we then can receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

How do I view those I teach?
The future

I want to view them as Comenuis viewed all students. They are the future. I want to show my faith in them. I want to view them as what they can become.

Our purpose is to learn and grow and sometimes people will have faith in us and we will make mistakes, but there will always be the atonement to help us.

Christ always showed His faith in Heavenly Father. He also had faith in us, or else He wouldn't have performed the atonement.

Brothers and sisters
Children of God

We must use Godly eyes. God constantly sees us as what we can become, even if we make mistake after mistake, day after day. This isn’t meant to be easy, but once we see someone with potential of what they can be, we give them wings to fly, that maybe no one else did.

This is all of the other colors that are based around principles

What is worth teaching?
My opinion

I want to teach my students that they are capable of anything, even if they are a 6 ton animal sitting on an egg that could break at any moment. I want them to know that the opinion that matters most is how they feel about themselves. Obviously, God’s opinion is most important, but as a teacher in a regular school, I can’t teach too much about religion. I do, however, realize that if a person knows what their worth is, they most likely know it because they feel Gods love.

These are also doctrines we learn while we use the atonement.

Theses are things that Christ wanted to teach us.

Is it more about what came from the book or what applies to life?

The doctrine found in books is the most important thing you teach.

Life lessons and application are more important that what came from the book.

Mr. Saunder - "Never give your second best" and "Be different"

. I remember there was this one day where Mr. Saunders said, “I know that this is choir class and that we should be doing music stuff, but today I feel like we need to do this.” I remember he pulled out a Dr. Seuss book. It was about the elephant who took care of the egg. It talks about how this elephant became the center of attention because it was doing something out of the ordinary. Mr. Saunders made a life lesson out of the story. He said that it was okay to be different. “Not everyone will appreciate your hard work, “ he said, “but you make sure that you work hard so that it’s worth it to you. Be different. Be you. Don’t let what other people think about you be the biggest factor of how you see yourself.”

As we think of what Christ has done for us and how the atonement is so infinite, we also see that others deserve the same treatment. We should love others, and that's why it's a commandment.

Christ will always teach what is needed. He will never make a plan and then disregard the Spirit if the Spirit says otherwise.

Who am I and what motivates me?

I want kids to be ready and confident for the future.

I don't want to be just a teacher, but I want to be a friend and a good example.

What other people want

I want people to be happy, because it makes me happy

I am a student who wants to keep learning
Justice and Mercy: Justice cannot be changed, nor can it be voided, but because Christ has already paid, He can offer Mercy. Relating this to grading, we must think about the student individually. At the judgement bar, we might have a grade, but we have to look at what our grade was before, and how far we have come to the grade that we have now. Students might have bad grades, but the important thing to see is that they will improve, and progress towards getting better grades.

In Class Assignments

Take Home Assignments


How often do you take test?

Practice tests

Chapter Tests

Weekly Tests

Pop Quizzes

Tree's and Branches

What did Christ use to motivate people?

I think He used eternal happiness. When He taught about the gospel, it was always for the purpose of convincing peopleple to come "home".

I think that when we show faith and also promote the idea of the end results, people are more inclined to work harder for it.


Public Humiliation

More Homework

Sending to Principals Office

"Pulling Cards"




Extra Credit


What Philosophy does Christ follow?

We studied this in class. The class split up into different groups to determine who believed in what, I was in the group where we didn't want to pick any because we weren't sure. The other groups had the assignment to convince us to come to their group, while our group was studying which philosphy Christ follows.

We came to the term that Christ pretty much was all of them.

He was an Idealist because he wants everyone to come home, so he has suffered the price for everyone to have the chance to repent and become clean. He is a realist, because he knows that we arent perfect, and he is pragmatic because to solve the problem, He suffered every sin, even though he was sinless.


What are the age limits that I want to teach?

Schooling end when people hit 18.
High School
Middle School

Do you teach the students or the content?

Christ could have easily taught about Kolob and about the deep doctrines of outer darkness, but instead, He teaches the basics.
Its about them!!

Living and dead

There are so many cool things to study about life and death. A lot of symbols follow with life; light, joy, blood as a life-giving substance, etc. Then we also have death which is the opposite; Dark, sad, etc.

As the scriptures say, we need opposition in all things, so we need teachers who will give us sticks, so that when we find those teachers who give us trees, we can appreciate them, and actually see the difference.

What is the purpose of the wood? We are trying to survive and we need to have this fire that keeps us alive. Not alive like breathing and moving, but alive like joy and excitement, and other things like that.

Dead (Sticks
Doesn't need a lot to keep up

Runs out once you burn it all

Living (tree)
Christ gives us living water. He also gives us lessons that can be learned continually.
Needs a lot to keep alive

continues to grow





We learn by teaching.

Christ was all knowing for the most part, but how much did he know? He didn't know how we all felt until after he the garden in Gethsemane, so in a sense, I think Christ learned by teaching.

Education is dependent on our own efforts.
Christ didn't force anyone to listen to Him or to use His atonement, because He knew that that was what Satan wanted.
Progression is our purpose here on earth.
Everything we learn comes from Heavenly Father, and the knowledge will go with me in the next life.

Yellow: Experimenting, dont fully believe it

Red: Dont believe

Green: Believe, it is truth

A teacher who cares more about his/her student, finds his job more fulfilling.
Christ cares about all of us as His students, and as his brothers and sisters.

Strike in Education

Tenet #1- It's about them, the learner.
Tenet #2 -Act rather than be acted upon. Teach the students to act.
Main topic
If teacher can't fulfill home duties because of lack of money, they forget the purpose of being a teacher.
There are issues in funding for education

Doctrines of religion and Doctrines of teachings

Christ never taught false doctrines, even when it came down to giving up His life.
Are there doctrines in teaching?
Doctrines of teaching


These only relate to teaching

These are different than Doctrines of religion

Are doctrines of teaching different than doctrines of religion?
Doctrines of religion

Doctrine - Teachings of Christ.

Gospel of Jesus Christ is in 5 basic principles: Faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, Enduring to the end.

Faith is the foundation of all the other ones. We must have faith to repent and then continue to endure.

Faith is also important for a teacher. We have to have faith in our students, because without that, students will lose motivation and any kind of want to work hard for the future.,

This relates only to religion.
Doctrines are different than principles and applications
Doctrines never change
The answers are found in the doctrine

Meaningless activities

Social Media
How do we stop doing things that are meaningless
What is wrong with being meaningless? - They replace the time to do meaningful time.
Existentialists believe that anything and nothing can be meaningless/meaningful
They also believe that everything has an essence

Can you create an essence?

our essence has been there before we were even born.

Your essence gives you purpose