によって Joe Harulow 5か月前.
Pieceful Minds
The brand aims to create a sustainable and mindful experience through its product offerings, catering to various customer segments such as art lovers, puzzle enthusiasts, mindfulness practitioners, eco-conscious consumers, and families seeking quality time.
Reconnect with the moment,
one piece at a time. Pieceful Minds Families Seeking Quality Time: Art Lovers: Age: Adults 30-65, typically with disposable income. Puzzle Enthusiasts: Age: Wide age range, from young adults to seniors. Eco-Conscious Consumers:
Age: Broad range, but often includes Millennials and Gen Z who are highly aware of environmental issues. Mindfulness Practioners Age: Adults aged 25-55,
often with a skew towards females.
Finance Margins 60% Gross 30% net
Returning customer rate Customer lifetime value AOV 20- 25 Production 3 controllables for
sustainability Materials End of life use prodigi.com Potential supplier No tin
First Print on Demand orders Bulk stock after
establishing demand UK Manufacturer Mission: Artist Promote talented artists
and help them get paid Customer Help our customers unplug, unwind
and connect with oneself Ourselves Build a sustainable
brand that encourages
connection and mindfulness. Marketing Collabrations Partnering with local businesses B2B
Gift boxes Community Engagement Weekly newsletter Paid advertising Tik Tok Insta/FB Google Influencer Partnerships Artists Wellness content
creators Short form content Instagram reels Tik tok Product Themed collections Around topics Around the artists Mental health charity % ? Sustainble Plastic? Sustainable Cardboard Artist Led Promoting the artist Commission based Brand Visuals Packaging Imagery Colours Pastels
Earth tones
Sage green
Values Empowering creativity Sustainability: Committing to eco friendly
practices, production and packaging Community, artists and customers Mindfulness: Encouraging presence
and awareness in every moment