によって Michelle Lai 14年前.
3. Look into patient's mouth to remove visible obstructions
2. CPR
1. Call EMS
Or try chest thrusts, put your arms under the persons armpits, similar to abdominal thrust, but this time in the notch on the lower half of the breastbone.
After back blows try abdominal thrusts, put your hands around the waist of a person, make a first and wrap your other hand around it, thrust into 2 finger widths above the navel, thumb side towards you
Deliver Back blows by striking between the shoulder blades with the heel of your hand 5 times
Stop these blows if the person becomes unconscious
Before illness
What happened
Last Meal
Alcohol if taken
Preexisting Medical Conditions
Heart condtions, diabetes...
Did you take it today
What medication they take
Ask for what they are allergic to
Signs and Symptoms
Checking temperature and moisture
Check Color of skin
Find pulse rate and breathing rate
Ask how they feel
Move patient as a unit, don't turn spine... use a log roll
Don't let the patient move
Hold neck still even if you are not moving the patient
Never move a patient unless absolutely necessary
3. Elevate the legs 15-30 cm if no spinal injuries or leg fractures
2. Maintain patient's body temperature based on climate
1. Hold the patient's head to keep the neck from moving, do not move patient
Shock occurs when only one or more vital organs get blood, others don't get adequate blood, organs need oxygen from blood
Shocked people a weak pulse, pale moist skin, mental confusion, nausea, thirst, lackluster eyes, labored breathing
Treat anyone who does not need CPR with the shock management procedure
How to treat
NEVER remove blood soaked bandages- blood clots more easily
Place pressure, wrap bandages around
Put a sterile pad over wound and apply pressure
Capillary Bleeding
Can stop on its own or stopped easily with direct pressure
Blood slowly oozes from the wound
Venous Bleeding
Can be life-threatening and must be controlled quickly
Dark red blood steadily flows from the wound
Arterial Bleeding
Most serious type of bleeding, blood loss occurs quickly
Bright red blood spurts from a wound in rhythm with heartbeat
Use an AED, stick pads on patient and listen to the machine's instructions, remember to ask everyone to move back from the patient. Use a Child AED for children, no AED use on infants.
Administering an electric shock which disrupts the abnormal twitching (fillibration) is called Defillibration.
7. Repeat 2 rescue breaths and 30 compressions procedure until there is an AED or EMS comes
6. Compression site: Between the two nipples, center of chest Give 30 compressions, straight down, straight arms
Infant- 2 fingers
Children- one hand
Adult- two hands
5. Give 2 rescue breaths to make the chest rise
4. Pinch nose close, tilt head to lift chin
3. Put ventilation barrier on patients mouth and nose
2. Remove obstructions from mouth
1. Put patient on his back
Unconscious Patient: Put ear to patient's mouth and look towards chest to see see rise and fall, if not, go to C.
Check patient for Breathing, periodic gasping is not regular breathing
Unconscious Patient: Tilt chin backwards to open airway
Conscious Patient: Ask him to speak/ cough, go to S.
No= No, I'm fine, don't help me, just talk to me...
No answer/ Yes= Go and help me!!!
"Hello, my name is Michelle, I'm an Emergency Responder, may I help you?"
Serious Bleeding- Put on face shield/ eye shield/ goggles/ glasses
CPR- Put ventilation mask on patient's mouth
Wear gloves before touching the patient
Respiratory problem- 2 minutes of CPR and then alert EMS
If there is a bystander nearby, ask them to do so, or do so yourself unless respiratory problem or the patient is a child
Check for what might be a danger to the patient or yourself
Check for what might have caused the accident