によって Lily Samonds 8年前.
Problem Solving Mind Map - Lily Samonds
Addressing a problem involves several key steps to ensure effective resolution. Begin by staying calm and identifying the specifics of the issue. Once the problem is clearly understood, develop multiple potential solutions.
Okay... Clearly it is not a big deal, so figure out a solution and use it when you feel the problem is important. Do not wait until it is urgent Estimate the time in which you need this problem solved. Implement it when necessary. Find the best one. Experiment with different solutions. Calm down Identify the specifics of the problem Solve the issue using the most effective solution. Get help if need be. Test each solution; see which works best. Develop solutions to the problem. 1: Do you have a problem? Yes I don't really care I can wait, but not forever Lethal How severe is it? No You are not in need of this chart.