によって Tanna Esker 2年前.
Program Coordinator development
The text outlines various professional responsibilities and preferences related to the field of medical education and administration. It highlights the author's desire to reduce involvement in certain tasks, such as interviews and grand rounds, while expressing an interest in engaging more with simulation labs, diversity and wellness support, and committee activities.
Things I do that I would not mind dropping or being less involved in Interview Season Education Core
Program Coordinator Group/Public Mock Oral Exams Friday Facilitated Time send out zoom links and calendar reminders reserve rooms schedule faculty Administrative Tasks Replenish Doc Box Truelearn and Anesthesia Toolbox registration Scheduling meetings for Dr. Stahl, Dr. Hill and Dr. Moran Study plan check ins Rotation heads Final sumative reviews Semi annual reviews Scanning SAR forms Notarizing resident forms Medhub attendance and sending out evals -GR, MR, FFT, Core Didactics, CA1 Orientation, CV Conference, OB conference, occasional SIM Entering didactic calendar and other conferences into medhub Medhub reports as needed
Morning Report Reserve rooms and IT support Schedule speakers Public Mock Orals Disparities conferences PEDS conferences Ultrasound conference Interview season manage zoom practice calls with interviewing faculty Ensure interviewing faculty have laptops, cameras and lighting equipment. occasionally manage zoom interview days order food send out Eras apps to faculty send interview schedule to faculty send out promotional boxes Core Didactic Lectures Collect and enter ABA Keywords Set up weekly zoom links and send out calendar invitations Sending out monthly and weekly reminders to faculty Set up Coffee Reserve lecture rooms Schedule CA3 lectures Schedule CA2 lectures Schedule CA1 Lectures Grand Rounds cry CA1 Orientation Record lectures Schedule lecturing faculty Reserve rooms Order food set up food Things I do not currently do that I would like to do more of DEIC support/Wellness support SIM Lab PEC CCC's