によって Aleema Khan 6年前.
Program Implementation
Understanding program implementation involves mastering the syntax of a high-level language, including assignment statements, variable declarations, and data types, such as integer, float, and Boolean.
Program Implementation 2. coding the program using high-level language syntax syntax for iterations(loops) repeat while for syntax for conditional branching case nested if-then-else if-then-else if-then syntax for operators syntax for assignment statement syntax for declaring variables syntax for data types Boolean/logical string character float double real integer declaring constant use identifiers use key words type var const writeln write readln read Program 4. program documentation features of external documentation user manual features of internal documentation effective use of white space indentation use of comments variable names use of mnemonic importance of documentation 1. distinguish programming languages Compilers/Interpreters high-level C pascal visual basic low-level assembly machine 3. types of testing computer testing debugging techniques computer errors runtime errors
logic errors
syntax errors