によって Pero Gruyo 17年前.
The process of organizing and managing a project involves several critical steps to ensure efficiency and clarity. Initially, brainstorming and defining major project tasks is essential, followed by breaking these tasks down into manageable subtasks.
PROJECT PLANNING VI. Publishing Options Send the map to others ...or can view your map in the Mindjet MindManager Viewer 6 ...who are either MindManager users Create a PowerPoint
Presentation File->Export->Microsoft PowerPoint Export Save as Project file File->Save As Project Files Save as image file File->Save As JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG, EMF, WMF Files Save as PDF file Save as map file Export to Microsoft Word in outline form As the basis for a
more detailed paper As notes for presentations File->Export->Microsoft Word Export Create informational
Web site File->Save As Web Pages Printed maps keep
information at your fingertips V. Optional - Export
to Microsoft Project Use relationships for dependencies Your map will be exported
into a new Microsoft Project plan Export the whole map or only
Topics that have task information File->Export->
Microsoft Project Export IV. Assign Task
Info attributes Display task
attributes on
the map View->Show/Hide-> Topic Task Information Hints for
Microsoft Project
users Dates and durations
are assigned to major
tasks automatically Assign attributes
to subtasks only Categories Resources Duration Percent Complete Start date and Due date Priorities Choose the Task Info Pane III. Add visual cues Fill/Highlights for emphasis Line colors for easy reading Icons and images for
additional meaning II. Set the Task
Info scheme Define day length and
default task duration Define priority scheme Set meaning for codes Topic->Task Information I. Define
project tasks Add subtasks Create Subtopics for each major task This is a Subtopic
Break down tasks into
separate activities or phases Brainstorm
major project
tasks Enter tasks as
they occur to you
in random order Focus on major tasks Individually or
in a group