によって Jose Valadez 9年前.
The text elaborates on fundamental mathematical properties that govern arithmetic operations. The distributive property explains how a single term is multiplied by terms inside parentheses, following the rule A(
Properties identity property addition you can add zero to any number and it stays the same. ex. 0+5 = 5 Ones Property Anything multiplied by one is equal to that number being multiplied. Ex. 1x2=2 zero property anything multiplied by zero equals zero Commutative Property the rule for this is ( a + b = b + a ) or in cases such as multiplication is ( a x b = b x a ) Comes from the word "commute" or "move around" Distributive property The rule for this is A(B+C)= AxB+AxC This property is to multiply a single term and two or more terms inside a set of parentheses Associative property The rule for this is A+(B+C)=(A+B)+C or for multiplication it is A(BxC)=(AxB)C states that you can add or multiply regardless of how the numbers are grouped. By 'grouped' we mean 'how you use parenthesis'.