によって Lucy Balderach 2年前.
Protista Kingdom
The Protista Kingdom encompasses a diverse array of organisms that are classified based on their similarities to animals, fungi, or plants. Animal-like protists include ciliates like Paramecium that use cilia for movement, sarcodines such as Heliozoa with contractile vacuoles to expel water, and flagellates like Dictyochales that utilize flagella for locomotion.
Protista Kingdom Plant like Brown Algae Seaweed with many pigments EX-Kelp
Green Algae Unicellular, multicellular or colonial EX-Marimo
Red Algae It is used in hair
conditioner and
ice cream EX-coral strands
Euglenoids Green, unicellular algae found mostly in fresh water EX-Phacus(an algae)
Dinoflagellates Unicellular algae surrounded by stiff
plates EX-Marine plankton
Diatoms Move by oozing chemicals out of slits in
their cell walls EX-Chaetoceros
Algae VERY IMPORTANT in oxygen
production EX- Marimo
Fungus like Water Molds and Downy Mildew They grow in tiny threads that look like
fuzz EX-Saprolegnia
Slime mold Live in moist, shady places EX-Physarum polycephalum
Animal like Parasites Animal-like protists that feed on the
cells and body fluids of their host EX- Tapeworm
Flagellates use flagella
(whip-like tail structure) to move EX-Dictyochales
Ciliates Cilia - hair-like projections from the cell
that move with a wavelike motion EX-Paramecium
Sarcodines Contractile vacuole - structure
that collects and expels extra water
from the cell EX-Heliozoa
protozoans heterotrophs - get energy from
other organisms EX-Amoeba