によって Emilio VARGAS 4年前.
Quality Product + Quality Service = Happy Guest + Happy Owner
Ensuring a successful hotel operation hinges upon the interplay of quality products and services, which together result in satisfied guests and owners. The necessary components include ensuring all equipment, tools, supplies, and parts are complete and in good condition.
Quality Product + Quality Service = Happy Guest + Happy Owner Do we need to Train OR...? 6. Provide good equipment, parts 5. Ameliorate SOPs and Audits 4. Enhance Management Leadership 3. Enrich Philosophy and Policies 2. Upgrade HR selection 1. Improve Task & Standards Hotel Philosophy defined? 3. Hotel Concept? DeLuxe, Economy_ yes _no 2. Hotel Vision, exists & available? __ yes __no 1. Hotel Mission, exists & available? __ yes __no Market Segments correct? 4. Convention? __yes __no 3. Government ? __yes __no 2. Leisure? __yes __ no 1. Corporate? __yes __no Equipment, Parts & Supplies, 3. All above in good condition ? __yes __no 2. Supplies and Parts available? __yes __no 1. Equipment, tools complete? __yes __no Quality Audits on time? 3. On Line Comments? __yes __no 2. Back of The house? __yes __no 1. Front of The house? __yes __no Hotel Standards Implemented? 9. GM Quality,Standards,5R,5S, Security, Social Responsibility, Environmental Sustainabilty?_ yes__no 8. Maintenance&Repair? __ yes __no 7. Human Resources&Development? __ yes __no 6. Front Desk&Reservations?__ yes __no 5. Marketing&Sales? __ yes __no 4. Finance&Accounting? __ yes __no 3. Enterntainment&Animation?_yes__no 2. Food&Beverage, __ yes __no 1. Rooms&Laundry, Public Areas?_yes _no