R-formula and Trigonometry
The document discusses various aspects of trigonometry, including fundamental functions and their properties. It covers complementary and special angles, alongside general angles in trigonometric contexts.
R-formula and Trigonometry Further trigo identities factor formulae Eg. sinP+sinQ=2sin1/2(P+Q)cos1/2(P-Q) R-formulae eg. Acosx+Bsinx=Rcos(x-alpha)
R= ((squareroot)A^2+b^2)
tan(alpha)=B/A double angle formulae eg. sin2A=2sinAcosA
tan2A=2tanA/1-tan^2A addition formulae eg. sin(A+B)=sinAcosB+cosAsinB Simple trigo identies&eqns proving identies To prove a identity, we usually start with the side that is more complex looking and simplify the other side basic identies eg. sin^2x+cos^2x=1
cotx=1/tanx Trigonometry functions graphs of Sine, Cosine & Tangent functions basic trigo eqns general angels complementary angles special angles