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によって Rachel Ricks 6年前.


Rachel's Essential Questions

The movie "Pay It Forward" centers around a teacher, Mr. Simonet, who inspires his junior high students to think critically about making the world a better place and to put their ideas into action.

Rachel's Essential Questions

Daily 10

I watched a philosophy crash course video called How to Argue - Philosophical Reasoning: Crash Course Philosophy #2 In this video he mentions that our rational is what sets us apart from the beasts. Reasons are different from reactions. People distinguish animals by instinctive nature. Humans have instincts too but are different because they use their brain to overcome initial reactions. He divides the human into 3 different section the rational, the spiritual, and the appetite. The human balances all three to make decisions. He mentions that most believe people should be guided by the rational side because it keeps the spiritual and appetite in check. I don’t believe I agree. I see what they’re thinking, but I believe the spiritual side needs to be the strongest of the three. When we listen to our spirits we live a happier life in the long run. The other two cannot be ignored, but the spirit should be the one with veto power on the other two’s actions.

Daily 9

I watched the documentary titled As American as Public School: 1900–1950. This was an interesting time. There were so many new inventions and classes to take. They started teaching swimming, farming, and other exciting, helpful information. They started using more progressive education to help teach those students who needed a different type of education. They taught table manners and other cultural necessities to more effectively socialize their students. Home economics even became part of education for women. This was also the age it became illegal for kids to work under a certain age. Wow I am so so so grateful that I didn’t grow up working in a factory. I can’t begin to thank God for my parents and my country. I have been so blessed with everything I’ve been able to learn.

I was inspired by what Brother Wilson said the other day about learning more about different religions and how it affects students and their learning. When one understands another, it becomes much easier to teach them. I’ve always been interested in religions. I grew up with many Catholic friends who invited me to attend Mass. I’ve attended Protestant churches as well. One that I wanted to talk about that I’ve recently been researching is the Hindu and Sikh faiths. I served my mission in British Columbia Canada. Most people think I taught families of moose and lumberjacks. However, the vast majority of my investigators were not Caucasian. Vancouver is a hot spot for cultures all around the world. Every city outside Vancouver is basically a different country. I served in the Indian community. Every few blocks housed a Sikh temple. A couple months ago I visited about went inside. They encourage all to come. We were instructed to take our shoes off an to cover our heads with cloth. The meaning of Sikh is disciple or learner. One of their core beliefs is that no one has the monopoly on the absolute truth. They believe everyone is right. Whenever we would approach a Sikh, there response would be “God is one!” meaning that God can be worshipped in many ways and we offered the same things. They believe in being kind to ne another and giving selfless sacrifices to those n need. It’s actually the 5th largest religion in the world with 25 million members. It originated in Punjab in the late 1400s. It’s the youngest religion with the size of it’s following. They had inspired gurus, that’s what they called their spiritual leaders, but now rely on the scriptures they wrote. Past leaders and people have been persecuted for their beliefs over the years for not converting to Islam. It is a monotheistic and panentheistic religion. Monotheism means they have one God while panentheism means that God is viewed as the soul of the universe which is present everywhere watching and influencing through time and space. Here’s a brief breakdown of what it means to be a Sikh. Sikh defined: Any human being who faithfully believes in i. One Immortal Being, ii. Ten Gurus, from Guru Nanak Sahib to Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, iii. The Guru Granth Sahib, iv. The utterances and teachings of the ten Gurus and v. the baptism bequeathed by the tenth Guru, and who does not owe allegiance to any other religion, is a Sikh.

Daily 8


Daily 7

A Struggle for Educational Equality: 1950–1980 I watched the documentary on equality in America. Segregation was pretty hard to distinguish. They were still separated. Even though some went to the same schools they had separate proms and extracurricular activities. States refused to make their citizens integrate. While blacks could go to school with whites, not many wanted to because of the segregative nature. Also, bilingual education is so important. I grew up in Texas and there was always a group on Hispanics. They would speak their language sometimes and the teachers would ask them to speak English. It wasn’t a problem though. In equality for women is still alive today. I just about flipped the table when they showed that commercial about women should stay home and pretend their dumb. I’m so incredibly grateful for my rights.

Daily 6

I watched the documentary about Education in America form 1980s to the present. I loved what they did about the school’s systems. They turned it into a market just like the rest of our economy. They gave people choices to decide where they wanted to go to school and what their emphasis would be in there education. Japan does similar things. They have regular schooling until high school. During Jr High kids look at schools they might want to attend. They have science, music, sports schools and many others. In New York they did the same thing. They gave choices. The students were more excited about the education they were receiving because they were the ones to choose it. One question I have is why they didn’t let people all around America choose their schools. I guess education is decided on a state by state basis. I believe we need to adopt more foreign educational practices. Japan goes to great lengths to make sure the kids have a healthy and productive childhood. This could really change our mental and physical health.

Daily 4

For this daily I watch the movie Pay It Forward. I watched it analyzing his teaching style. He challenges his junior high class to think of a way to change the world to make it better and to then put it into action. Trevor takes him up on his challenge and decides to pay it forward to three different people in significant ways. Mr. Simonet doesn’t just teach history he teaches life. One of my favorite things my teachers do is get off topic. Not because I don’t want to learn, but because they teach me about their life and what they have chosen to do with it. Even when not going over specific material and staying on topic I appreciate the wisdom they share about how they’ve applied principles into their life. Every subject taught in schools has something to teach about human nature. A good teacher’s job is to understand the underlying purpose of each subject and events within it to teach their students. Mr. Simonet is a great example of this. He is constantly teaching those around him. It has reminded me to look for things to learn in all aspects of life. Learning is a part of God’s plan in this life and the next. God set up the world the way he did to help us learn in all aspects of life so that we can progress faster. He helps Trevor and his mother learn important lessons. In turn, Trevor taught us all a very valuable lessons about the power of a good heart.

Daily 3

I have been blessed by many wonderful people in my life. It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. I feel similarly about BYU-I. I’m a music major so my “village” per say is not that large. However, the diverse people in my life here have taught me many things about music, learning, and life itself. I have my musicianship teacher to thank for my love of theory. He is a jazz man who loves playing the bass. He taught me to work hard and think outside the box. His overaccentuated love of jazz influenced my taste in music. My horizons expanded. My music literature teacher helped me love filling my brain with knowledge. I have a firm testimony that knowledge is power. Knowing details about composers, world events, and theory really opens up the door to success. I’ve been given the knowledge I need to succeed. Besides my teachers and the education I’m receiving, I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity we have as members to receive a cheap education. Our tuition is miniscule compared to other schools. Our tuition is payed for by tithing. The church makes an investment in us so that we can learn, get a job, and pay tithing. It’s a circle that benefits all associated. Watching people drop out saddens me. When we’ve been blessed so fully, it’s hard to see those who can’t appreciate it. I’m grateful for the degree and career this school is enabling me to have.

Daily 2

The Common School 1770-1890 How much spiritual education was taught verses other subjects? What were the conditions in schools in Europe? What are some of the main differences between European and American schools? When did African American children begin to be educated? There were so many interesting this in this documentary. The examples of things written in these textbooks are crazy. They small mindedness is astonishing. I loved the improvement in the schools when women were encouraged to teach.

Weekly 1: Rachel's Essential Questions

How can I teach when I don't know everything?

Learn how to learn
The Spirit

What is my work as learner and teacher

To listen and reply

How do I view Those I Teach

Everlasting hope
An endless number of second chances
My teachers

How does one teach one who does not want to learn?

Don't let them know You're teaching them
You Cant

How do I learn

Simple: by listening and doing

What Is Worth Teaching

Anything that will further progression
Anything that will open the mind

Who am I and What Motivates Me?

Those who don't know for themselves
Those with good hearts and pure intent
The Truth
My Family
My God