カテゴリー 全て - online

によって Dian Mustika Putri 6年前.


Referensi Jurnal GO+ 3.0

Penggunaan sistem akuntansi berbasis web semakin umum dalam lingkungan bisnis modern. Sistem ini memungkinkan perusahaan untuk melakukan berbagai tugas akuntansi seperti rekonsiliasi bank, penutupan buku, dan manajemen pendapatan dan pengeluaran secara lebih efisien.

Referensi Jurnal GO+ 3.0

Referensi Jurnal GO+ 3.0 (15)

19. Penerapan Cloud Accounting Sebagai Laporan Laba Rugi Pada Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi (ATM) Belum Fix

Laporan Neraca (Nuke)

17. Peranan Kredit Memo Berbasis Cloud Accounting Guna Meminimalisir Deposit dan Piutang Tak Tertagih (ATM) Belum Fix

16. Solusi Payment Berbasis Cloud Accounting Pada Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi (INFOTEKJAR)

15. Penerapan Software Akuntansi Online Sebagai Penunjang Pencatatan Laporan Keuangan (SISFOTENIKA)

14. Effectiveness of Book Closing Using Web Based Accounting Online System 2.0 to Know the Company's Financial Ratios (ATM)

13. Bank Reconciliation Process Efficiency Using Online Web Based Accounting System 2.0 in Companies (ATM)

12. General Journal Recording System Analysis In Companies using Online Accounting Software (ATM)

11. Implementation of Recording System Regular Spending Cost Based Software Online Accounting For Record Expenditures on the Company (ATM)

10. The Role Of Web Based Accounting Online System 2.0 as the Company's Income and Expense Management (ATM)

8. Analyze and Record a series of Purchase Transactions on Companies using Online Accounting Software (ATM)

7. Utilizing Customer List Menu To Monitoring Customer Data On Web Based Accounting Online System 2.0 (ATM)

6. Facility For Customizing Transaction Form On Master Data Using an Online Accounting System Web For Work Effeciency Company (ATM)

5. Asset Management Using a Web-Based Accounting Online System to Maintain Value of Company Assets (ATM)

4. Application of a Customer Based Data Monitoring Facility Online Accounting Software For Effectiveness Leadership at Higher Education (ATM)

3. Utilization Chart of Account For Effectiveness Company Cash Mapping On Web Based Accounting Online System 2.0 (ATM)

2. Utilization Chart of Account For Affectiveness Company Cash Mapping On Web Based Accounting Online System 2.0 (ATM)

1. Utilization Setting Menu To Build Company Accounting System In Web Based Accounting Online System (ATM)

9. Analyze and Record a Series of Corporate Sales Transactions On Web Based Accounting Online System (ATM)