によって wade welch 13年前.
regenerative medicine
Advancements in medical science, such as regenerative medicine, are revolutionizing the treatment of previously incurable conditions. This field includes innovations like lab-grown organs, printable heart valves, and scaffolds for cellular growth.
regenerative medicine slippery possibilities transhumanism super longevity new treatments and techniques are developed gene-therapy stem cell research scafolds for cells to grow onto lab grown organs prinatable heart valves "refab" organs extra cellular matrix new materials allow new treatments moral/legal questions "fairness" of competitions ex: olypmics job competition costly but effective treatments devision between rich and poor measurable in lifespan increased life spans ageing population demands of special interests groups potential for curruption risks and potential for harm demands legislation and regulation to insure safe and practical procedures and well as eithical research practices government health care new tools and materials must be desighned improvements to existing scafolds nutrition and exercise of growing organs 3D printers cell washing techniques cell harvesting methods new treatments demand new materials costs of research increases