によって victor ramirez 4日前.
Regular verbs (-ed)
The simple past tense is used for actions completed in the past. Verbs can be regular, forming their past tense with an "-ed" ending, or irregular, changing their form entirely. Examples include "
Simple Past We use the simple past to describe actions that started and ended in the past. Drive = Drove Buy = Bought Give = Gave Take = Took Drink = Drank Go = Went Use = Used Want = Wanted Work = Worked Talk = Talked Visit = Visited Walk = Walked Irregular verbs Did we eat pizza at Little Caesars yesterday? We didn't eat pizza at Little Caesars yesterday. We ate pizza at Little Caesars yesterday. Regular verbs (-ed) Did you play basketball at club Naco last night? You didn't play basketball at club Naco last night. You played basketball at club Naco last night.