によって Katihurys Padilla 4年前.
Katerinne Gonzalezにより
Ninel calkini.23により
Deisy Yolanda Amortegui Sanchezにより
Enter your project name
Begin by typing your project name into the Central Topic.
Specify an exclusion from your project.
Examples are:
Add a specific requirement
Prioritize them with an icon:
Add a requirements management technique
Techniques might include:
Type in a key benefit from this project.
Examples include:
Type in an estimated cost
For example:
Add a strategic reason for this project.
Type in a project constraint
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Type in the name of a milestone for your project.
For example:
carga formal de los elementos dentro de la molecula
Enter an approximate target date for this milestone.
Type in a project deliverable
For example: