によって Jorge Poveda 12か月前.
Reporting verbs
The passage outlines various structures for using reporting verbs in English. It categorizes these verbs based on their grammatical patterns, such as verbs followed by "that" clauses, verbs followed by an object plus an infinitive, and verbs followed by a preposition plus an "
Reporting verbs Reporting verb + -ing form recommend, suggest, admit, deny He suggested taking a short break The doctor recommended eating a healthy diet Reporting verb + preposition + -ing form apologise for, complain about My friend apologised for being very selfish Reporting verb + that + should cause advise, request, recommend suggest, demand My teacher suggested that I should participate more in class My mom recommend that i should be more responsable Reporting verb + object + to / not to + verb Advise, ask, encourage, invite, order, persuade, remind, tell, warn Mom reminded me to call my grandmother The doctor ordered Tom to quit smoking My colleague invited me to dinner with him My teacher encouraged me to keep studying English My father advised me to keep on studying Reporting verb + to/not to + verb Agree, offer, promise and refuse He promised to come back soon. He refused to leave the meeting until the issue was completely solved. My brother offered to give us a ride in his new car Laura agreed to go to bed earlier in exchange for some sweets Reporting verb + that + reported statement Add announce complain explain and predict I predicted that it was going to rain Jack complained that his friend made a bad idea They announced that the singer published a new song