によって richard gualan 6年前.
The foundation of who I am today is deeply rooted in my childhood experiences and the people who influenced me. Music played a pivotal role, offering happiness and a sense of identity.
Neymar JR Richard favorite singers and actors the best rapper in spanish for me is Chuty Vin Diesel Children Music is one of the most important parts of my childhood showed me that no one is more than anyone the series that made me who i am now is Naruto which one of showing me to never give up My brother and Adriano marked my chidhood teaching the sport that i love the soccer familia My brother Ariel takes care of me and this is always my younger brother is that my most appreciation of my family My parents are Maria y Vinicio which i was inclulcated in values and they educated me to be the best my loves and my passions music is my reason to be happy My biggest love is my family idols rap xxxtentation Subtema
Tupac baketball in the basketball my idolo is Stephen Curry Messi for me the world's best player is Ronaldinho Gaucho spots volleyball basketball soccer