によって Mindomo Team 7か月前.
Routine makeover
Establishing a well-organized daily routine can significantly enhance productivity and work-life balance for educators. The morning home routine, beginning at 6:30, includes reading a devotional book, showering, and eating breakfast, setting a positive tone for the day.
Routine makeover Evening routine home relax taking care of end-of-day tasks earlier in the evening dinner After-school routine commute home positive events and accomplishments reflect on the day weekly limit and commit to leaving when time is up stay focused and productive 15:30 – 17:00 working in class after students leave write up behavior reports prepare materials plan for tomorrow Prep time & lunch routine rest and recharge at lunch miscellaneous tasks that don’t have to be ready when students come back to the room 8:50 – 11:45 instructional time with students Morning school routine Themed tasks Tuesday, Thursday - catch up paperwork Monday, Wednesday, Friday - grade papers 7:40 – 8:50 Recurring tasks take out materials for the morning check mailbox for notes for students Check email/Class Dojo messages Morning home routine get moving shower, breakfast 6:30 start reading from a devotional book to wake up