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によって Zach Cox 1年前.


Russia AOS2 Consequences of the Revolution - 1917 - 1927.

Following the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Russia underwent significant transformations. The Sovnarkom was established as the new government, issuing decrees on press, land, and workers'

Russia AOS2 Consequences 
of the Revolution - 1917 - 1927.

The Russian Civil War begins (14th May, 1918)

Russia AOS2 Consequences of the Revolution - 1917 - 1927.


The death of Lenin (21st Jan, 1924)


Kronstadt Rebellion (1st -7th March, 1921)
10th party Congress launches New Economic Policy (8-16th March 1921)


Hyperinflation due to the Sovnakom increase in printing bank notes.
Grain requisitioning squads (January, 1919)


Assassination attempt on Lenin (1 Jan, 1918)
Constituent Assembly convened and dissolved after one day (5-6 Jan, 1918)
Founding of the Red Army (23rd Feb, 1918)
German army resumes offensive against Russia (18th Feb, 1918)
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (3rd March, 1918)
Formal recognition of State Capitalism (April, 1918)
Decree on Nationalisation (28th June, 1918)
Decree on Red Terror (5th Sept, 1918)


Nationalisation of Banks (14th Dec, 1917)
Cheka created (7th Dec, 1917)
Workers Control Decree (14th Nov, 1917)
Decree on Press and Land issued (27th Oct, 1917)
Formation of the Sovnarkom (27th October, 1917)