によって david boles 8年前.
scienctific Thinking
The provided content covers various aspects of scientific thinking and differentiates it from pseudoscience and other forms of faulty reasoning. It emphasizes the importance of skepticism, rationalism, and empiricism as foundational principles.
scientific thinking
Name: David Boles
ID: 900153542 Wrong science pseudo science pathological science junk science bad science 5 research methods 5.case study 4.survey 3.naturalistic observation 2.correlation 1.experimental scientific Vs. critical thinking steps of scientific Thinking -controlled variable
- controlled group -independent variables
_dependent variables Scientific method 1.observation
2. Hypothesis
4.Theory Art verification evidence fake or reliable By artist By scientist fallacies ( 20 ) weasel words correlation vs. causation Baloney article adhominem types of Thinking fact vs. opinion wishful/hopeful thinking basics of scientific Thinking empericism skepticism rationalism New Techniques 4. mindomo 3.concept Map 2.Timeline `1. PPs