によって Joerg Bauer 15年前.
Does our brain work like google?http://www.world-science.net/exclusives/071205_google.htm
Psychological Study: Which words are strongly assotiated with each other?Using word assotiation test psychologists found outthat Google Page rank model predicts assotiations better than other models
3. Final results are calculated using weight given by basic ranking multiplied by the PageRank (which is between 0 and 1 always) for the particular page.Ex. The weight of result page A was 2 but pagerank was 0.2 and weight of result page B was 1 but pagerankwas 1 sorting would be B, A (1, 0.4). Without pageranksorting would be A B (2, 1).
2. Each page rank is calculated based on incoming and outgoing links
Outgoing and ingoing the page rankis subdivided betweenthe number of links flowingfrom page (100 links= 10% each)
1. Each page is split into array of words and each word is weightedfor the document.
Rare words have more weightthan common words
=weight of page
The higher the link relevance, the betteri.e. the link is called hamster food
The higher the Popularity of the page the link is coming from, the betteri.e. the page is often selected from the organic search page
"the quality of the inbound links to your website, in most cases, will be moreinfluential with the search engines than the content of your website itself."
The higher the Weigthting of the page the link is coming from, the betteri.e. the page contains the word hamster food
The more linksleading to your page the better
"If you’re selling products that are available elsewhere, you can get a lotmore attention and traffic by providing such valuable resources as reviews,independent testing, and side-by-side or feature comparisons"
Does your search result text attract users?
Match users searchbehaviours by either ...
Be a link on the"authority page"
Be yourself an "authority" in the subject = high rankingin Googles Organic Search
User Experience/User Satisfaction
Tagged by by Social BookmarkingServices?
Do users returnto search result page?
Other Websites
Pages linking to you
Their popularity / relevance forthe subject
The text of the linkitself ... buy hamsterfood
special term is called"link reputation"
the text in the article that contains the link
Ex: Hamsterfood on Hamster Sitebetter than link from non Hamser Site
How many other pagespoint to your site
Correct/ Standard programmingensures readability by Spiders
Images without "alt" tags are problematic
Keyword Postion makes asite more relevant: "Where" is thesearch term
Heading, Page Titlemust promote search termsthe page is optimized for
Meta Tag "Description"
... not important for Google
Must be "bold"
Maching of Search Term
Page Titles
Precise Matchingof Search Terms
Indexing the a website(=following Links) and copyingcontent to index of a page.
Problems: Being up to date /"live"
Spurious Results
Therefore Keywords searched forshoud be found in the same paragraphmake it a relevant page.
Size and Time
Solution: Crawl only top noch 15-20% of the web every day - rest every two weeks
Dynamically created pages
More and More pages
Updates: Frequent updates (i.e. News pages)
Other problems(repetitions and cheating)
Words in Headlinesare very relevant - Keywordsshould appear in the headline
Important for relevance are onlylarge headlines (h1 h1)
Sol. Use
Repeated keywords are treated as Spam
Sol: Write individual keyword per page
Sol: Don't repeat
The description is usually shown beneath thesearch results title. If no description tag isfound then other info is taken.
Worte, für die Ihre Seite optimiert werden soll, müssen in der Beschreibung enthalten sein. Die Worte müssen sich auch im Seitentitel, den Keywords, dem Seitentext,... wiederfinden
Often the navigation is the item first read bysearch engines. Then this is what is diplayed
However not with Google or Bingwho ignore the description Tag.
If not filled out, the firt paragraph is used where the keyword is found in
Meta Tag Keywords (whichare however ignorde byGoogle)
Case specific search
Sol: Use correct case
Only Main Keywords are supplied for which we have many contenders
Sol: Create specific pages for users highly used combinations?
Sol: Check with Google Key wordstool for alternative kombinations
Sol: Use specific kombined keywords i.e. Mafo Nürnberg
Keywords are not linked
Sol: Link key words alternatively
User use differnt keywordsfor a page
Sol: Keywords can also contain synonyms (eBusiness instead ofE-Buisness)
use of same keywordsfor different pages
Sol: Write content first, then takekeywords from content
Sol: Keywords that describe site purpose bestcan be used on every page to increase impression ofusefulness of page
Sol: Every page needs individual keywords
repeating paragraphsaccross different pages
i.e.overview pages
Sol: "follow, noindex" tag
using spelling or termsthat users wouldn't use
same titles for several pages
Title apperas as first line insearch engine
Sol: Every page needs individual title
Non-descriptive titels
Make users wonder if thepage is relevant
Sol: Make titles relevantto page content
Problem of 2 equal domains: www. and no www
Sol: Permanente Umleitung einrichten
Cheateing?: use of too many(the repetition) of search words
Sol: Avoid Repetition
Cheating: False Keywordsto increasevisibility / page rank (i.e. Sex Sex Sex Money Money etc.)
Due to fake keywords Google will not look here?
Technical quality
Links cant read because theyare graphics
Sol: Use alt tags
double domain (www or non- www)diminishes valu of both
Bad Programming?
other tools show programming errors
Check: https://www.google.com/webmaster
Indexing: How many pages of thesite are indexed?
How many urls of mydomain has google savedsite:psyma.com
Prob: Google saved allmain links but not usability
sol: create glossary
sol: create dynamic sitemaps
not recognized by google
sol: give no follow to human links (i.e. impressum)other links will become more strong
Not enough deep links
Internal solutions
Use "Similar pages"
customer who saw this also saw that
sol: keep creating content
Too many overview pages
Sol: Flat site strucure
unclear what the problem is
sol: create rolling sites
sol: do internal deep linking
sol: get more inbound links
Psyma is ranked .... even if you search for "international market research"
Its not that "I'm numberone for this keyword" ...
Quality of Landing page:
not really tested
use of keywords
not enough of the right ones
not enough compared to comp.
Integration of (previsously checked) important (=high volume or qualified) Keywords
Overall strategy: optimize pages from users perspective aking:what keywords would the use?
integrate alternative versions of keyword (i.e. ebusiness)
in tags
in links
in header
in title
optimize pages for single, not for manykeywords
"international qualtiative market research" (start page)
i.e. "usability testing"
embed (high volume )keywords in text
Keyword Concepts
What are websites goals?
Usabilty - lead users to relevant content
no testing
Attract only qualified users,too many users cost too much
Landing page optimization
Ad has high rank
use google ads
Appear often in searches on top ranks
sol. use google ads
Psyma goal not specified
Long Tail
Use (rare)combinations
more probable to getfew but qualified users
"user experience optimization"
Hight Potentials
Many competitors or get lucky
... but which Keywordsdo users use?
Check google adwords tool
Check for other related and hight ranked terms
Best may be combination offew competitors and highsearch volume
Check competitors
Check keyword tools
i.e. seaquake
Check Competitors keywordskeyword density using seaquake
Do internal keywordstormingfor Target group
let users make suggestsion
Listing of Site/ Page in Webdirectory(Example for psyma eBuisness page)
yahoo directory
Number of external links that point to our site
Links that directlypoint to our page fromthe outsinde
Inbound Links(a major determinandof Googles quality factor)
Problems with inbound links
Toolbar only part truth
no inbound links!
Yahoo tells thruth
check !
Distriubute Articles that point to your site
Write Wikipedia article about Psyma
yes, but only ebusiness not usability mentioned
Exchange Links
i.e. with other psyma daughters
Place Logo on UPI
Use social bookmark services buttons
Ask member or friends to book mark
Add button to add page to social bookmark services
Mr. Wong
only me
add Possibility to let user add Newsfeedsto your site
Quality factor
Quality and number of inbound links
Clickthrough Rateof search results
How good is the "scent"of information created by the data retrieved by Google search (a) Title b) Description )
Determined by descriptivnessof Title, Description Tag and Content
ebusiness research tell about frank knapp
Psyma.com has empty description tag
Google statisticlyknows what kind of descriptiontexts are most clicked when usersused specific keyewords
Non Google
Other search engines also pay attn. to meta tags
items receive more weighting
Frequency of words searched for:Words repeated several times
Beginning words of the content
MetaTAGs etc.
Meta Tags
Name of URL(i.e. usability.de)
Google's Search Rank(200 Variables!?)
Google Page Rank (how important is this page in general)
the real page rank=recursive algorith:
Qualtiy and Quantity of Linkspointing to your page
Quality: How many and howimportant are those pages
Quantity: How many
ToolBar that supposedly tells how valuable a linkfrom that site is - however this is doubted and the rank shown is notup-to-date (3to4 month) while real value is updated daily
Another form of payment is link exchange Two PR4 links for one PR7
Companies however pay money based on that toolbar rating ("I will pay less"for my link on your page because your rank hasdropped)
Pay Sites high on Goolge listList URL money for Usability link to our page
Determine quality of visitors on a certain page (prepared to buy?)
Determine Importance of Pages in whole site
Rank titles of several pages using google
Determine Important pages
Page rank from search words
Test page using googlecontructing diff: comb. ofkeywords important foryour site and seehow good page performs
Relevance from 0-10
Psyma eBusiness (3/10)
Since 2004: own search engine poweredby inktomi and AltaVistawhich Google bought
Have people revistied an clicked on s.th. else?
Presence of Keywords
Asspt. good pagesare pointed to morethen not so good apges
--> count of number of linkspointing to page = rank