によって Emily Denney 7年前.
Throughout the year, each season brings its own unique weather patterns, activities, holidays, and appropriate clothing choices. Spring is characterized by cool temperatures, rain, and blooming flowers, inviting activities like jumping in puddles and flying kites.
Seasons Fall Thanksgiving Veteran's Day Halloween Columbus Day Labor Day long-sleeved shirts closed tow shoes light jackets sweaters Activities picking apples carving pumpkins jumping in the leaves frost in early morning leaves falling and changing color windy cool temperatures November October September Summer Flag Day Independence Day Father's Day bathing suits flip flops or sandals t-shirts tank tops Shorts slip and slide mini golf riding a bike swimming thunder storms humid Sunny Hot August July June Spring Memorial Day Mother's Day Good Friday Easter St. Patrick's Day covered shoes t-shirt pants light jaket jumping in puddles fly a kite dew in the morning cool temperature flowers blooming Rainy May April March Winter Holidays Presidents Day Kwanzaa Hanukkah Valentine's Day New Year's Day Christmas What to wear scarf boots coat hat gloves Activites tubing snow boarding make snowmen Weather ice snow cold/freezing temperature Months February January December