カテゴリー 全て - society - holocaust - political - control

によって isabel ciampone 12年前.


Secret Society Ciampone Brannock

The text discusses the impact of secret societies and their connection to historical events, particularly focusing on the Holocaust. It highlights the religious tensions and extreme measures taken by Hitler, who sought the extermination of Jews, believing it served a higher purpose.

Secret Society Ciampone Brannock

Secret society 2 Ciampone

Bel -blue


Society 4

*"The country suffers from epidemic outbreaks of diseases including yellow fever, cholera, lassa fever and meningitis.The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the population is 1.6 percent, higher than the world average of 1 percent." Lots of people were getting sick, and dying from different deseses.

*"The country has a very high infant mortality and a very low life expectancy." Lots of babies were dying durring child birth.

*Lots of diseses that you can contract will carrying a baby or trying to have on. "The country suffers from epidemic outbreaks of diseases including yellow fever, cholera, lassa fever and meningitis.The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the population is 1.6 percent, higher than the world average of 1 percent."

* In January of last year (2012) it began to fall and people helped them recover.

*In the late 1970's and the early 1980s there was a slow econmical growth rate because the mining secter incresed corruption amoung goverment offcials.

-They did a lot of mining. The main thing was Dimons. This society prety much relied on this. " The country has relied on mining, especially diamonds, for its economic base; it is among the top 10 diamond producing nations in the world, and mineral exports remain the main foreign currency earner."

-In the Hunger Games in each district the provide some kind of sorce to give to everyone else. 12 is mining. ( I forget the other societys.) In this society they Relied on ming for economical resons. Just like in the Hunger games, afterKatniss' dad die they were realy pore because there was knoone there to" pay the bills" so to speck.


*"During the Civil War (1991–2002) many soldiers took part in atrocities and many children were forced to fight" Forcing kids to fight is just plain wrong. It remindsme of the youtube Koney 2012 where they talk about him killing or making kids fight for his arm.

-"This society is a predominantly Muslim nation at over 60%, though with a large Christian minority. This society is ranked as one of the most religiously tolerant nations in the world." "People are often married across ethnic and religious boundaries. Muslims and Christians collaborate and interact with each other peacefully. Religious violence is very rare in the country" In our society we have the right to mary who we wish as long as we are above the age.

Secret society 1

*"All forms of communication: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, rallies, art, music, movies, and radio, was controlled by the leader and his supporters. " This happens because they do not what them knowing what is going on in other countreies compared to theirs.

*in this the Holicost is happening and this is all about two different religons not getting along. So Hitler decides to kill all of the jews. Just because they are not like him, and because he think it is for God and for the grader good.

*I found this little section of Society Cross cultural marraiges were on the rise and many of these minority individuals were prominent citizens: This is really good because 14 of these minorty's won 38 nobel prize's!

*"The minority population of this society hovered around 600,000 in total, less than 1 percent of the entire society’s population. Nonetheless, information shown through media outlets identified this minority as a "race" and an inferior one at that. The individuals associated with this minority were seen as the source of all economic depression, although many were highly decorated soldiers." They where seen as a wast of money. Worthless, nothing, not important.

*You could take a vacation and you would still get payed

*"This society became strong and successful in world affairs." world affairsis when this countrey does business with other country. Trading, military, world peace, ect.


* "During this era, the leaders of this society and their collaborators killed nearly two out of every three "minorities" as part of the "Final Solution." "This is bad because they alimited an entire race of people. Killed them in afull ways, for what they thought was the greater good.

*In the book matched they have no pverty.

* In society one they all had jobs, and cars. In our society today we do not even have that.

"Within a few years, 1.4 million men were in the army, so they were not counted as unemployed."

Connections with Greece.

society 2


*". Other races, had a difficult, if not impossible, time finding success in life" This is went there was not eqality between blacks and whites.

*"Political leaders soon became involved in a group which worked to beat, whip, and murder thousands, and intimidated tens of thousands of others from voting. People often tried to fight back, but they were outnumbered and out gunned. While the main targets of this wrath were members of the minority community, they could be murdered for almost any reason. Men, women, children, aged and crippled, were victims." These are inosent men women children getting hurt or killed just because they are dfferent from others. It is sad to think about that that was just a life time ago. And now we all get along just fine. I would not being hanging our with one of my best feinds much less even met her in the first place if we all did not change.

*everyone sat around tv with family, they also did backyard grilling with family also"The families created branches of national institutions like Little League, the Girl Scouts, and the PTA. On the party circuit, there were backyard “neighborly” barbecues. In fact, hotdog production rose from 750 million lbs to 1050 million lbs within 10 years!! "

* There were 24.3 million to 35.5 million children and that made this society's cost in children sky rocket.

-Lots of cars where being sold at the time so that brought in a lot of money!!

"With the need for cars on the rise, car companies produced roughly 8 million new cars per year during this time." The syle of the car kept changing, so people kept wanting to look good by buying the latest model.

*". From the end of a large war" War can never be good, it might have it's little ups but


-more beople were living in the suberbs

"Citizens moved to the suburbs,"" Living in the suburbs was attractive to many people for many reasons. You got out of the city, but you were still in close range of the job opportunities, while escaping the crowds." As the popularity of suburbs rose, business owners realized what these thriving communities were."

Suburban houses were far from jobs, schools, and businesses.

Connections with Rome!

* Well one obveous one is it fell like the rest.

Society 3


-They are limiting The amout of televition and electronc use they have and are able use. "The proposal included some of the strictest measures in years. For example, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television limited 34 major television stations to two 90-minute entertainment shows per week. The same TV stations were also limited to two hours of news every evening. The two hours of news must be approved by the state. Audience ratings were ordered to be ignored."

-"This society's carbon dioxide emissions are growing much faster than anticipated and are on pace to double during this decade." Co2 emition were high because of the amount they are giving oof is so high.

-" A current problem is the rapid aging of the population, with 13.3% of the population now over 60 years old. The 2011 census indicated that there are now around 1.34 billion people in the mainland of this society."

with the war happening trading ports were open " But with a war in 1839, a long period of instability and concessions to Western powers began. Following the


*The society's CO2 emissions are growing much faser than anticipated and are double during the decade. A lot of money was at risk.


-"Painting, sculpture, and poetry flourished, and woodblock printing, which enabled the mass production of books, made its earliest known appearance." Which made alot of money for them.



*"Perhaps in reaction to popular uprisings going on around the world, leaders in this society proposed new limits on Internet use and media in October 2011. The proposal included some of the strictest measures in years. For example, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television limited 34 major television stations to two 90-minute entertainment shows per week. The same TV stations were also limited to two hours of news every evening." They did this because they did not wan't them to see what was going on in other countreies. They though it mike make them rebel.


-In 1839 during the war they started trade, teaties were also signed for this to happen. "But with a war in 1839, a long period of instability and concessions to Western powers began. Following the war, several ports were opened up for trading."

-"The media crackdown coincides with an upcoming switch in leadership within the government and ruling party, a shift that will take place over the next year." new leader means new rules or law sometimes.

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