によって John Sweeney 11年前.
Language and communication are rich fields filled with various forms and expressions. These range from the informal and often region-specific slang to the more structured and formalized jargon used in professional settings.
Slang phraseology wording syntax style manner colloquialism informality expression techobabble regionalism pidgin vulgarity vulgarism patter scurry rattle chatter lingo dialect vocabulary tongue terminology pronunciation idiom accent parlance idiosyncrasy diction argot vernacular popular plebian local common indigenous provincialism solecism malapropism catachresis barbarity shoptalk patois jive unreasonableness ludicrousness hot air senselessness ridiculousness jazz irrationality improbability illogicality crap bull stupidity silliness insanity idiocy foolishness folly farce craziness jargon street talk mumbo jumbo cliche twaddle slanguage rigmarole palaver newspeak neologism lexicon gibberish fustian drivel doublespeak policyspeak mediaspeak fuzzword buzzwords bunk bombast balderdash abracadabra