によって Tim Lovegrove 17年前.
Spiritual Gifts
The concept of spiritual gifts poses challenges in definition and differentiation from natural or developed abilities. The New Testament (NT) provides various lists of gifts, but none are exhaustive or consistent, and often the gifts are not clearly defined.
Spiritual Gifts Order Eph. 4:12 leads into conclusion stuff Specific gifts Go back through passages: Rom, I Cor, Eph. Put chart in notes General stuff we learn from Rom. 12, I Cor. 12, Eph. 4, I Pet. 4 Conclusion Statements Just because you have a gift doesn't mean you have to be allowed to use it (spiritual condition?) How do you discern your gifts? How in our church????? Rom 12 implies people not using, etc Gifts can be developed; not static Intro statements It's hard to define a spiritual gift Hard&unneces to dist. between gifts & natural/developed abilities Strengths in one area don't exclude responsibilities in others NT seldom defines the gifts You can use your gifts without knowing their names No list claims to be exhaustive NT gift lists are very different NT doesn't list all gifts