によって nur aziera 9年前.
statistical test
Various statistical tests are utilized to analyze data depending on the nature of the samples and the distribution. Non-parametric tests like the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann-Whitney Test are suitable for data that are not normally distributed and involve dependent and independent samples, respectively.
STATISTICAL TESTS WILCOXON SIGNED RANK TEST 2 dependent samples KRUSKAL-WALLIS Unpaired/independent samples CHI SQUARE TEST Characteristics nominal data displayed in contingency table categorical variable random sampling method Only one sample CORRELATION Spearman's rank not normally distributed ordinal or interval variable Pearson's product-moment approximately normally distributed interval variable Relationship between variables strength of relationship positive or negative relationship REGRESSION Prediction Equation R2 - coefficient of determination Y = a + bX Models one independent one dependent MANN-WHITNEY TEST Non-parametric test Not normally distributed 2 independent samples TWO-WAY ANOVA Same sample size Samples normally distributed ONE-WAY ANOVA From normal distribution Unpaired/independent sample 3 or more samples DEPENDENT T-TEST Same subjects eg 2: marital status single
after before INDEPENDENT T-TEST Parametric test Different subjects eg 2: teeth location maxillary
eg 1: gender female
Two conditions