によって KARL_TSOU K 2年前.
Stealth mode
(ref: RTM Req. ID:
The device's stealth mode is activated by a short press on the stealth button, which causes the screen to turn black and mutes all sound. The keypad lights are turned off, although a red light remains enabled.
Stealth mode
(ref: RTM Req. ID: UI.5.7 UI.5.7.11A long press (e.g. 3 seconds) on the stealth button shall exit stealthmodes UI.5.7.10One (1) Sub-sequent short press on the stealth button shall put thedevice back to deep stealth mode UI.5.7.9
Red light in the keypad shall be enabled UI.5.7.8
There shall be no speaker sound – only low level where the handset mustbe taken to the ear to hear talk UI.5.7.7
The screen shall be in night mode UI.5.7.6One (1) sub-sequent short press on the stealth button shall put the devicein stealth mode: UI.5.7.5
All light in the keypad shall be off UI.5.7.4
All sound shall be muted UI.5.7.3
The screen shall be turned black UI.5.7.2 1
press shall put the device in deep stealth mode UI.5.7.1
Stealth mode shall be entered by 1 (short) press on the stealth button