によって isaac Drummond 4年前.
Stimulants are substances that increase the activity of the nervous system, leading to heightened alertness, increased energy, and euphoria. They come in various forms, including prescription amphetamines, methamphetamine, cocaine, and khat.
Stimulants Legality Illegal types Use of any prescription
amphetamine without
proper prescription Crystal Meth cocaine Prescription Amphetamines Routes of Usage Injection Liquified Methamphetamine Salts Pill ingestion Inhalation (smoking) Snorting All forms can be snorted Types of Stimulants Methamphetamine Desoxyn Crystal Methamphetamine Khat Cocaine Powder Cocaine Crack Cocaine Prescription Amphetamines Metadate Focalin Concerta/Ritilin Adderall Methylphenidate Dextroamphetamine Function in Body Increases the amount of norepinephrine
present in the brain Norepinephrine effects Blood sugar
Breathing rate
Blood pressure
Heart rate
Metabolized by liver, hydration is
vital when using stimulants or liver
failure is possible When in the blood stream,
Stimulants increase heart rate Stimulants react heavily with
Dopamine receptors in the brain Effects on Body euphoria increased speed of bodily functions quickened reflexes reduced hyperactivity/calming Focus Treatments of
Prescription Amphetamines Narcolepsy ADHD ADD Weight loss Concerns Long term Anxiety Depression Heart failure liver disease psychosis Insomnia cardiovascular disease Short term Anorexia Nervosa Death paranoia Tachycardia (fast