によって Luciana Soldo 2年前.
The outlined approach emphasizes integrating various educational methodologies to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Strategies such as gamification, problem-solving, and cooperative learning are employed to engage students actively.
STORY WRITING ART Byzantine mosaic using different techniques TECHNOLOGY Google Earth Book Creator Metaverse app Paint ENGLISH Lexical enrichment Special colours about ceramic Present Continous Read simple text about Iznik Iznik video story ITAALIAN LANGUAGE Informative text Captions Keyword research Reading, understanding, and subdivision of the informative text into sequences MATH Cartesian Plan Geometric figures With keywords build a flowchart ITE GOALS Start networking with university students in ESEP platform, includings european ones Promote perofessional skills such us: project menagement, goal setting, work planning, team work Developement of English language and ICT skills Clil activities in a multidisciplinary way Initial Teachers Education METHODOLOGY Gamification Format Peer to peer Problem Solving TPR Cooperative Learning CLIL EAS Flipped Classroom GEOGRAPHY Iznik geolocalization with Google Earth HISTORY Iznik in Europeana Iznik hystorical research