によって Matias Garay 6か月前.
The text provides a comprehensive overview of various grammatical components in the English language, focusing on their functions and examples. It begins with nouns and numerals, illustrating how they can act as adjectives when placed before other nouns.
Infinitivos Ej. We have no vegetables to eat Ej. tourist consider the pyramids interesting Frases en participio Ej. The laboratory equipment made in
japan is consider to be precise
Frases preposicionales Ej. Serious diseases of coronary arteries Adverbios Ej. the sun there There/inside/etc Preposicion Junto a otras palabras constituyen una frase proposicional in/to/on/with/at/by/for/near/etc. sugiere posicion, direccion, tiempo, etc Terminados en -ed o irregular
Ej. fixed
Presente Terminados en -ing
Ej. waiting
Pasado Participio Otro sustantivo Ej. glass screen Relativos which/who/whose
Posesivos my/his/her/your/its Numerales one/two
Interrogativos what/which/whose Indefinidos all/each one
several, etc
Demostrativos This/that
Funcionan como adjetivos Que limitan Calificativo Ej. new Invariable Indefinido A AN Definido THE Articulos Adjetivos Post-Modificadores Pre-Modificadores