Takaful Product Design and Pricing
pooling of contribution by participants for the purpose of meeting claims arising from a pre-agreed event, sufficient amount of contributions must be allocated to the takaful funds
shall ensure adequate tabarru‟ allocation into the PRF to cover risks and obligations associated with the takaful contract
shall exercise diligence in product design and ensure that the products offered include adequate takaful coverage and, are suitable and appropriate to the targeted market segment.
prudence must be maintained to avoid under pricing and balanced with due care to avoid participants from being charged excessively
Retakaful arrangement must be consistent with the interests of the takaful funds
Shall not accept inward reinsurance from insurance or reinsurance where risk and agreement bound to Shariah Compliance
Shall not cede out risks to insurance or
reinsurance companies unless in cases where it is unavoidable
A retakaful arrangement with existing takaful or retakaful operator.
No existing takaful or retakaful operator that has the capacoty or expertise yo accept a particular risk
There is no existing takaful or retakaful operator that accepts a particular risk
Claims Management
appropriate systems
& controls
Investment of Takaful Funds
The investment must be in line with
Shariah requirements and participants' expectations
Investment strategy consideration
Tolerance of risks' fund
Amount and timing
of takaful liabilities
Valuation of Liabilities
Set appropriate & adequate
Recommended for Distribution
Refrain from recommending surplus
Assess the strength of the takaful funds
Surplus Distribution
Shall only be made subject
Shall not cause adverse financial
Shall be determined and distibuted
Shall be in line with surplus management
Shall be recommended by Actuary
TO required to establish written policy
approved by Shariah Comitte
Underwriting of Takaful Risks
Underwriting activities must be consistent wiyh yhe underwriting capacity of the takaful operator
Takaful operator
Shall ensure that the officers responsible for underwriting function fully understand policies
Must responsible to objectively evaluate and assess the underwriting risks
Shall ensure viability of takaful fund in long run.
shall manage the underwriting process effectively to avoid anti election