によって Mindomo Team 3年前.
Task Planner
A structured daily plan is essential for maintaining productivity and balance. Starting at 6:30 AM, the morning begins with reading a devotional book followed by a shower and breakfast.
Task Planner Evening routine home relax taking care of end-of-day tasks earlier in the evening dinner After-job routine commute home positive events and accomplishments reflect on the day weekly limit and commit to leaving when time is up stay focused and productive 16:00 – 17:00 prepare materials plan for tomorrow Lunch routine rest and recharge at lunch miscellaneous tasks that don’t have to be ready the same day 8:50 – 11:45 signing contracts and licenses Morning job routine Themed tasks Tuesday, Thursday - catch up paperwork Monday, Wednesday, Friday - customer support 7:40 – 8:50 Recurring tasks take out materials for sales activities Check email/internal memos Morning home routine get moving shower, breakfast 6:30 start reading from a devotional book to wake up