カテゴリー 全て - sentences - superlatives - comparatives - expressions

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temas tercer periodo :3

Understanding the use of grammatical structures in English is crucial for effective communication. Comparatives and superlatives are used to compare objects or groups, highlighting their differences.

temas tercer periodo :3

ejem superlativos La estructura de las oraciones con comparativos en inglés es la siguiente: sustantivo (como sujeto) + verbo + adjetivo comparativo + than + sustantivo (como objeto) Brazil is bigger than Spain. (Brasil es más grande que España) Cars move faster than bicycles.

temas tercer periodo :3

superlativos y comparativos

They are used when making comparisons between two things or groups of things (comparative comparing things) or groups of more than three things (superlatives these comparisons are used to establish differences between characteristics shared by objects.

for negative sentences Yo no leo libros en francés > I do not read books in French. No veremos ninguna película hoy > We will not see any films today.

The construction of an affirmative sentence For simple phrases, there is only one rule to memorize and it is the same as in Spanish: Subject + verb + complement Examples of affirmative sentences in English: The house is big> The house is big. You have three brothers> You have three brothers. She is my age> She is my age.


Expressions, idioms or phrases are a group of words that when used continuously, have a different meaning than the individual words that make them

adjetivos ejemplos Los adjetivos en inglés pueden colocarse en dos lugares: Antes del nombre: This is a big house > Esta es una casa grande. 2. Después del verbo: My sister is happy > Mi hermana está contenta.


Adjectives in English are grammatical elements that serve to give their own characteristics to people, animals or things. Its function is to offer extra information about the noun in a sentence

La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo «to be» y el participio de pasado del verbo. Sujeto + verbo auxiliar «to be» + participio de pasado Ejemplo de voz pasiva: Susana built the doll house — voz activa The doll house was built by Susana — voz pasiva

voz pasiva activa

The active voice is how we normally speak (eg "I washed the fruit"); the active voice is to change what was the object of the sentence for the subject (eg “the fruit was washed)

In this event that I did with my colleagues, it was a local stunt event in Bogota, which was a tournament to compete between several people.

eventos locales

In this period we work on local events, which means that we did a group work and chose a local event and we worked on it

presente perfecto