によって Medizin Wissen 2年前.
Processing of distressing/traumatic experiences
Scope in the AoC Course
by CB?
public MM
graphic / Prezi
Within the ECS, the ESSP constitutes the framework for the emotional stabilization of others by psychologists and non-psychologists.
certain situations need confidence and trust in the methods
How big is the can of worms that you are opening?
therefore, when already big, be careful!
usually larger than it seems
Photoshop metaphor
in what sequence
how the methods connect with each other
includes PFA
redirect sub-domain here?
How many?
Few professionals know how to emotionally stabilize well - and that is a problem
Care for Own Emotional Wounds
Coming soon: [https://up.emotioncoaching.net UP&Up]
Stabilization Techniques
You have to be emotionally stable when caring for others who are in emotional distress.
The only known way to achieve this is ...
... through practicing techniques for emotional self-stabilization ...
... after
sessions & when needed
... during
... before
every session
even beginning to work with others' wounds
This is ideal. Since many helpers find themselves in difficult contexts for a variety of reasons, the highest possible approximation shall be the aim.
Even though your own circumstances can be difficult (be it profession, personal or both), there is no excuse for not practicing effective stabilization techniques yourself.
About Guardrails
Most people who want to learn how to help others emotionally...
... do not know specific strategies how to take care of those needs.
Those needs can be of two kinds:
the stress caused by ...
clients' relationship patterns (with practitioner/"helper")
exposure to the distressing/traumatic narratives of clients
own, preexisting emotional wounds (trauma)
... are little aware about their own needs.
When present, the content is usually theoretical and little practical/concrete/applicable.
In my experience, those responsible for the psychological well-being of staff and volunteers all too often ...
... are little informed about (cost-)effective means to provide such services ...
... and later implement them as integrated part of the organizational culture.
I held too many seminars with no real follow-up and "putting into practice" that it is frustrating to see!
... do not allocate the necessary resources to provide the needed services
I have seen too many interventions that were not cost-effective and hence considered either a luxury or would not be scaled-up/repeated.
Is Psychology in Crisis?
... which equals not giving it the priority it deserves
... are ignorant towards the needs of helpers
Examples for lack of or very little attention for this even in vocational training of humanitarians, caregivers, health-care staff, etc. are abundant.
You must ... to prevent
If you work with (vulnerable) individuals you must be able to effectively stabilize emotionally
Techniques for emotional stabilization are essential when working with emotions
indirect traumatization
Stabilization should be considered an artful skill
The goal of any stabilization technique is the emotion
... unlearn concepts and habits that are potentially ...
... causing re-traumatization
... destructive
... safely, effectively, and actively stabilize others emotionally who are in distress.
Stabilizing Others
... effectively stabilize yourself emotionally before, during and after working with individuals or groups in distress.
... better understand concepts of emotional pain, suffering, wounds and trauma.
Emotional Pain