によって Raffi Macaraig 6年前.
The Design Cycle - Raffi Macaraig
The process of creating a successful solution involves several critical steps, starting with demonstrating technical skills and constructing a logical plan. It is essential to analyze existing products to understand what works and what doesn'
Inquiring And Analysing Develop A
Design Brief - Creating
a rough draft Analyse Existing
Products - Checking
on your products Identify And Prioritize
The Discussion - Identify
what's right Explain And Justify
The Needs - Explaining
your needs. Creating The Solution Construct A Logical Plan -
Make sure it's a very efficient
plan Follow The Plan
To Create The Solution -
Stick to one plan Subtopic Demonstrate
Technical Skills -
Showing your skills
to others Justify Changes Made
To The Design - What's
your new way? The Design Cycle Evaluating Design Testing Methods -
Create different ideas to
solutions Evaluate The Success
Of The Solution - Balance
everything out Explain How The
Solution Improved - What
improved from before? Explain The Impact
Of The Situation - What's
happening in your current
situation and the impact. Developing Ideas Develop Planning
Drawings/Diagrams -
your diagram, plan, or
drawing of your ideas. Present Chosen Design - Showing
your final design and how you did it. Develop Design Ideas - Creating
ideas for our project. Develop A Design
Specification - Specifically
what design we chose