カテゴリー 全て - anthropology - economics - injustice - gender

によって Daniel Bisschop 1年前.


The Post-Colonial Legacy

Various international organizations are dedicated to addressing the impacts of post-colonialism by promoting education and debate on related topics. Notable among these are the Association for Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies, the Institute of Postcolonial Studies, and the Postcolonial Studies Association in the UK.

The Post-Colonial Legacy

The Post-Colonial Legacy


RainforestUS. (n.d.). Peruvian indigenous communities are officially recognized as Forest Guardians. Shorthand. https://social.shorthand.com/RainforestUS/3y1A8vLsOu/peruvian-indigenous-communities-are-officially-recognized-as-forest-guardians
University of Winnipeg. (n.d.). Research guides: Colonization, decolonization and postcolonialism: An interdisciplinary guide: Organizations. Organizations - Colonization, Decolonization and Postcolonialism: An Interdisciplinary Guide - Research Guides at University of Winnipeg. https://libguides.uwinnipeg.ca/c.php?g=392214&p=2664131

Does a timeline of evidence show that people are more concerned about this issue or less concerned about this issue?

The trend timeline of the Post-Colonial topic shows that people's concern about this issue usually goes up and down depending on the time of year, but the interest stay's relatively the same throughout the past 5 years. This means that people are still concerned about this issue and that the world is relatively aware about whats going on with Indigenous peoples land across the globe.

Evidence provided to support this as a social justice issue

There is a wide erray of evidence to suggest that Post-Colonialism is actually a social justice issue, not an environmental or economic one. First off, the problems that the post-colonial legacy brings up are problems dealing with actual people, groups who are still suffering from the social injustices they faces hundreds of years ago. This is shown through all of the Indigenous people around the globe who were forcefully relocated out of their homes. The fact that the majority of this issue is centered around the reinstatement of Indigenous peoples to their proper homes is the evidence required to make it a social justice issue.

growing or declining trends about the issue under investigation

One growing trend about the Post-Colonial issue is that more and more Indigenous people are being given their rightful lands back to protect over. There has been a growing number of instances where rain forest tribes have been given land grants by the governments reining the area and they now have repossession of their native lands. "For the first time in the history of Peru, two indigenous communities have been officially accredited as Forest Monitors by the State. .. the villages have completely eliminated deforestation caused by coca growers, logging and other illegal activities in their ancestral land." (RainforestFoundation, 2017).

Organizations or individuals addressing this issue

Some of the most well known International organizations that address Post-Colonialism include " The Association for Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies, IPCS - The Institute of Postcolonial Studies, and Postcolonial Studies Association (UK)." (UofW, 2023). These organizations help to promote seminars and lessons on post colonialism, engage in public debating on certain post colonial topics and how they should be addressed, and aims to create relevant work on anthropology, cultural studies, area studies,economics, gender studies, and more.
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Patterns that show if the organizations or individuals addressing this issue are doing so in a similar manner

The three main organizations that are addressing Post colonialism, that being the ACLALS, the IPCS, and the PSA have similar patterns on how they are addressing the post colonial legacy. The most common similarity between the organizations methods are how they do public meetings and talk on post colonialism and its effects. These are seminars that anyone can attend to further their knowledge about the cause. These 3 organizations also all provide funding to Indigenous people affected by the post-colonial legacy.