カテゴリー 全て - communism - fascism - totalitarianism

によって Luka Kordic 3年前.


The War to End all Wars 2.0 (WW2)

After World War I, dissatisfaction with the ruling governments led to significant political upheavals and the rise of totalitarian regimes. In Russia, the overthrow of the Czar in 1917 paved the way for the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, to establish a communist government.

The War to End all Wars 2.0

The War to End all Wars 2.0 (WW2)

The Holocaust

Defining The Holocaust -HOLOCAUST originally meant a sacrifice totally burned by fire -they were starved, gassed, burned and shot
The "Final Solution" -Hitler and Nazis called for the deliberate murder of millions of European Jews during WW II. -Hitler and the Nazis also tried to eliminate millions of other people that they considered undesirable, including: Communists, Gay men, Africans, Disabled people, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Political Prisoners from other countries. -11 million people were exterminated

Major Battles

D-Day (Operation Overload)
On the dawn of June 6th, 1944, the allied powers attacked the Germans on the beaches of Normandy. Its purpose was to push back the Germans and get the allies into mainland Europe. The allies were victorious and this was know as the beginning of the end for the German war machine. But, this victory costed thousands of lives, many who were Canadian.
The Dieppe Raid
The Dieppe Raid was supposed to be a diversionary attack on the German fortifications to prepare for a larger attack in Normandy. But unfortunately, for the allies everything went wrong that day. The bombers were late, instead of landing at night the ships were delayed and the landing happened during day light. Many lives were lost and it was a failure.
Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain took place between July 10 to October 31, 1940. This battle was mostly fought in the air between the RAF and the German Luftwaffe. This was Hitler's first failure and where he realized that the allies were far superior in the air. During this battle, it was Canadian engineers that invented the downing system which was a radar/early warring detection. It was this new technology that gave the allies a major advantage.
Pearl Harbor
On the morning of December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the American naval fleet docked in Pearl Harbor Oahu, Hawaii. After the attack, the United States of America declared war on Japan.
Operation Barbarossa and the battle of Stalingrad
It was in these battles where Germany turned their back and invaded Russia. Hitler needed Russia for its land and resources. After the German failure to take over Russia, Germany was now fighting a war on two fronts.
The Italian Campaign
This is when the Canadian and British soldiers were able to push the Nazis out of Italy.

Blitzkrieg and the Phony War

The Phony War -The phony war was a period just after the invasion of Poland. -Without warning, the Germans invaded Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium and France. -The French expected Germany to invade them though Belgium. -To counter this idea, the French and British troops were sent to the border of Germany and France. -Germany did not follow the same strategy as in WW1, they instead attacked France through Sudetenland trapping the French and British troops.
Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg means lightning war. It was the strategy that the German army used to take over Europe. This involved quick and surprise attacks to overwhelm and defeat the enemy. 1.Air force- attacks front lines, rear positions, air fields and communication centers 2.Tank Units- break though the front lines 3.Infantry- attacks flanks to encircle enemies 4.Mechanized groups- spearhead further to disrupt rear lines and defensive positions -Based on concentrating offensive weapons in short, fast, surprise attacks
This was the exact tactic the Germans used to invade and take over Poland. As a result, this was the start of the Second World War.

Causes of WW2

Total control of state by a Dictator
-Joseph Stalin -Benito Mussolini -Adolf Hitler
Increase influence of new political parties that emphasize state control
-Communism -Fascism -Nazism
Policy of Appeasement
-The allied powers allowed Hitler to do as his wished to avoid conflict. -This gave Hitler the power to do as he wished without any consequences or repercussions. -This policy left smaller nations to fall to Hitler.
Failure of the League of Nations
-The league of Nations had limited power due to USA refusal to join. -It did not have its own military. -Most of its members were not able to provide support because they were already in conflicts.
Treaty of Versailles
Germany and Hitler did not like the harsh terms Germany was forced to follow.

Different forms of Totalitarianism

What is it? -Extreme fascist, nationalistic and totalitarian -Based on the beliefs of the Nation Socialist German Workers Party -Belief in the racial superiority of the Aryan, the "master race" -Violent hatred towards Jews and blamed Germany's problems on them -Belief that all Germans should have "lebensuraum" or living space in Europe

Adolf Hitler

What is it? -Right wing -Intense nationalism and elitism -Totalitarian control -Interest of the state more important than individual rights -Maintain a class system and private ownership

Benito Mussolini

What is it? -Left wing -Based on the theory by Karl Marx -Revolutionary idea of a political, economic and social system that creates a "classless society" -State ownership and the control of the means of production (no private ownership) -Soviet communism or "Stalinism" was more of a totalitarian and military state combined with elements of communism

Joseph Stalin

The Atomic Bomb

Even though the USA was not the first to have the idea of weaponizing the atom, but they were the first to make that idea a reality. The Americans used these bombs twice on Japan, they dropped one on Hiroshima and one over Nagasaki. These weapons were something the world has never seen before. It was so powerful that it flattened two cities and killed over 146 thousands people in a matter of seconds. This created a new type of war, Nuclear War. In such a war there is no winner, just destruction. “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” – Albert Einstein.

The Home Front

Top Secret:Camp X
What was it? -Camp X, which operated in Oshawa, Ontario from 1941-1946, was a training camp responsible for training recruits for the Special Operations Executive of the British Security Coordination during WW2. -It was comprised of two sections, the Special Training school No.103 which trained allied agents in the techniques of secret warfare, and Hydra, a network which communicated messages between Canada, USA, and Great Britain.
Interment Camps-Japanese Canadian Experiences -After the attack on Pearl Harbor, many saw people of Japanese heritage as enemies and threats to Canada. -As a result, the Canadian government used the War Measures Act to target Japanese Canadians. -They were given two options: 1.Deportation to Japan or 2.Relocate East of the Rocky Mountains (out of British Columbia)
Labour -With so many men enlisting, Canada faced a labour shortage as early as 1941, most noticeably in war-related industries. -One main strategy for the Canadian Government was to recruit women for the work force. -At first only single women were recruited, but upon huge labour shortages both married women and mothers were sought out. The government even funded day care centers so women could be free to work. -In 1943, there were about 225,000 Canadian women working in munitions factories.
Women in the Army -In 1941, for the first time in Canadian history, women were able to enlist in their own divisions of the army, navy and air force. -Although Canadian women were not allowed into combat during the Second World War, they did everything else. -Women served as nurses, stretcher bearers,drivers, machine operators, cooks and secretaries. They also flew Canadian built planes to bases in Britain. -They were paid roughly 60% of what males in the military were paid.
Government and the Economy -The war launched Canada out of the depression and into an economic boom -Canada became an industrial power: new factories were built and old ones adapted for war purposes. ---Factories produced thousands of guns, ships, fighter planes and military vehicles
Total War -By 1942, Canada was committed to a policy of "total war" which meant that all industries, materials and people were put to work for the war effort.

The rise of Hitler and German Nazism

Nuremberg Laws 1935
-Prohibited marriages between Jews and German citizens -Jews were not permitted to hire German females as domestic servants under the age of 45 -Jews were forbidden to display the national flag or national colours but could display the Jewish colours identifying them as Jews -Punishment for violating these laws included hard labor or imprisonment
War on Jews
-Hatred of Jews and anti-semetism were a key part of Nazi ideology. -Jews were used as scape goats and were blamed for all of Germans problems. -Violence against Jews grew. On Nov. 9, 1938, mobs attacked thousands of Jewish owned buildings and businesses. This was known as the Night of Broken glass.
The Fuhrer is Supreme
-Used press, radio, literature and film as propaganda tools -Ministers were required to sign an oath of allegiance -Children had to join Nazi organizations like the Hitler youth
The Death of President Hindenburg
-He died in August 1934 -His death gave Hitler the opportunity to combine the role of president and chancellor. He called himself "Der Fuhrer". -He now had full control of Germany
The Night of Long Knives
The Night of Long Knives was a purge of Nazi leaders by Adolf Hitler on June 30, 1934.
Hitlers Totalitarian state
-Once in power, he used it to gain control over Germany. -He banned all other political parties. -Hitler created the SS to eliminate his political opponents. -Strikes were made illegal. -Millions were put to work to rebuild the Germany military.
Hitler becomes Chancellor
-By 1932, the NAZI's were the biggest party -President Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor hoping he would be able to control him -This back fired
Mein Kampf (My struggle)
This was a book Hitler wrote while in prison outlining his beliefs and goals for Germany.
The Beer Hall Putsch
-From Nov.8-9 1923, Hitler and his supporters failed to take over the Government of Bavaria. -Hitler was convicted of treason and sentenced to five years in prison.
Life in a Fascist State
-Rejection of happiness -Women were to make babies (new soldiers) -Youth molded into soldiers -one ethnic group is important -one ethnic group is a target

Allied vs Axis Powers

Axis Powers
Allied Powers
Soviet Union
United Kingdom
United States of America

Rise of totalitarian Governments

Totalitarianism in Japan
-Japan, after WW1, had very little in natural resources, so they invested heavily in China's Northern natural resources. -Japan was afraid that Chinese nationalism would interrupt Japans resource business. -As a result, in 1931 Japan invaded China and took over its Northern region. -In 1937, a full-scale war started between the two countries. -Japanese leaders ordered the targeting of civilians and this resulted in western nations hardening their attitudes towards Japan.
Fascism in Italy
-Mussolini started a fascist movement in Italy and had a nationalistic belief that united all Italians regardless of social rank. -As a result, Italians agreed and he rose to power very quickly. -Once in power, he used the military to rig elections and to punish any who opposed or spoke out. -He was set out to fix the economy and reduce unemployment and expand territory into Africa. -In 1936, Hitler and Mussolini formed the Rome-Berlin Alliance. -Then Mussolini introduced anti-semetic laws to Italy.
Fascism in Germany
(NAZI FLAG) -After WW1, the allies established a democratic government for the country, but the people had little experience with the new political system. As a result,new parties had little support and were ineffective at running a country. -Due to the large amount of reparations Germany was forced to pay the value of the Deutschmark was reduced to almost zero and prices went up 100 times. The depression made things even worse -At this time, the German people were in desperate need for a new leader to fix both political and economic problems. -By 1921, Adolf Hitler, a WW1 vet, became the leader of the NAZI party. -Then Hitler started to preach about the superiority of the Aryan race and how Jews, Roma, gays, and communist were inferior and undesirable. -By 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor -Once in power, he built concentration camps and started to rebuild the German army, violating the Treaty of Versailles.
Communism in the Soviet Union
-After WW1, the people were unhappy with the leadership of the Czar -In 1917, a popular uprising dethroned the Czar and established a temporary government -By Oct. 1917, the communist Bolsheviks took over and established a dictatorship of the proletariat (working people) -By 1924, Joseph Stalin emerged as leader of the communist party and the government