によって Salma Lahdar 3年前.
Traditional Functions of HRM
Human Resource Management (HRM) encompasses several core functions, including job analysis, job design, recruitment, and selection. Job analysis involves identifying the tasks, duties, and responsibilities associated with a job, as well as the knowledge, skills, and abilities required.
Traditional Functions of HRM Job Design Technique for job design Job Enrichment Job Enlargement Job Rotation Specification of contents, methods & relationship of jobs work design / Task design Employment Planing Steps in Planing process Program to meet that future needs Future Needs Assesing current HR The right Places Time number The Recruiting Process Publize Job Analysis Revieuw Source of Aplicants Conduct Job Analysis Develop job Specification Develop job description From Human Resources Needs Job Analysis Job Specification Knowledge,skills & abilities required of the job holder Job Description Tasks,duties & Responsabilities that the job entails - position, +qualification Training and Development The Selection Process Hiring Interview Backgrounds & Reference checks Testing Screnning Interview Application Form The Recruitment Process Extrenal Process Agencies Advertising Educational Institutions Walks-ins Internal Process Previous applicants Employee Referrals Promotion from within Human Resource Planing Monitor, Control & Feedback 6- Implement Plan 5- Formulate Plan 4- Estimate Gaps 3-Forecast Demand 2- Inventory of current HR 1- Analyse the objetives