カテゴリー 全て - assessment - visualization - collaboration - documentation

によって Sandra Price 4年前.


Tree organigram

A variety of web tools can significantly enhance classroom learning and collaboration. Mindomo helps students and teachers create graphic organizers and mind maps for better visualization of concepts.

Tree organigram

What New Web Tools will I use in My Classroom?

Web Tools Used: Tools can fall into more than one category but I linked it to the category of the activity I created.





5)Google Docs


7)Google Forms

8)Voice Thread



11)One Note




Category 4 - Formal Assessments/Informal Assessment, etc.

A Collaborative Project done with One-Note can be used as a formative assessment.
12) Piktochart - is a tool that helps non designers create infographics, presentations, social media graphics, presentations or prints.
Interactive and collaborative project can be used as graded projects.
When using Twitter tweets I can use responses for formal/informal assessments on content knowledge, citizenship, participation purposes, etc.
This tool can be used to have student record their solutions to problems and I can use it as a formal assessment of the unit. The must use proper vocabulary.
Students can create a video on solving a equation, giving a report, etc. and post it. I can use it as a formal assessment of knowledge. They can post to their digital portfolio.

Category 3 - Lessons, Curated Resources, Class Activities, etc.

I can create interactive lessons using this tool and then have students recreate them for a creative way to teach the lesson. It provides students with a hand-on, scaffolding or game like way to learn the material.
I can use Mentimeter to create presentations that lead into class discussions as part of the lesson.
14) Symbaloo - is a free social bookmarking tool. It is an easy way to store and organize digital resources in the cloud with access to sharing them and using them with any device.l
I can create lessons that have multiple parts. They can be links to the interactive lesson, video, website resources, etc.
I can use it to create a location for student digital portfolios. Every student will have a tile and it links to their portfolio.
I can use it to house curated resources I have found for reteaching, and lesson reinforcements. Students can utilize these resources at home, in class, and whenever.
This activity can be either a warm up activity or a classwork practice activity
Students can complete Web Maps on content material, lesson comprehension, etc.
I can use this tool to create lesson activities
Use for follow scaffolding of lesson objectives
Use for KWL parts of lessons
10) Thinglink - is a tool that allows users to create visual learning solutions. It makes it easy to augment images, videos, and vitual tours with additional information and links.
I can use it for interactive lessons, curated resources, and class activities.
I can have students record a response and upload it
I can use it to record a lesson's instructions. Students can complete the lesson activity and upload their responses or reflections
6) Padlet - is a virtual online "bulletin" board. Teachers and students can reflect, collaborate, and share links and pictures in a secure location. With Padlet users can build a hidden wall with a custom URL.
Using it with my students allows me to have all students share and have a voice. It helps develop their speaking, listening and confidence skills. It can be a fast, immediate method of one where I can use it like a poker chip discussion and have students provide a post before the end of class. In this way students may take their time, reflect on the activity, and then post when they feel confident to do but know that they will eventually post.
It can be used to create a quick tally so I can let students know what they decided they want to know or what they decided they still need to know. It could be a frequency table discussion activity,
As an onging activity students can post interesting math related videos, articles or imaes they found throughout the week. I could randomly choose several each day as class warm up, discussion opportunities.
Students can use it to post their questions during the lesson, and I can use it to help them individually.
I can use it for gathering prior knowledge before the unit or lesson or as a follow up to the lesson objectives.
Students can complete a problems I assign and post it to the board using the drawing feature.
5) Google Docs - is a word processor offered by Google.
Teams can use Google Docs, and other google apps to create joint projects.
I can create lessons for students. Some of these lessons can be interactive and all students can input information into it.

Category 2 - Collaborative Projects, Digital Portfolios, Reminders, Teacher Data, etc.

15) Mentimeter - is a presentation software that is easy to use. You can create fun and interactive presentations.
I can have students retell what happened in class the day a student is absent. They can create a presentation telling students how to solve the equations, etc.
I can use it to generate class discussions. Use the Code 5853298
5) Google Docs - is a word processor by Google
I can use for collecting parent contact information, survey information, class activity, field trip, etc information.
Students can use google documents to create reports, document, answer quizzes, and input into interactive documents for discussions contributions, reflections, etc.
12) Piktochart - is a web tool that helps non designers create infographics, presentations, social media graphics, presentations or prints.
Students can use this tool to create a poster of a math unit topic. They could create a poster sharing ideas of math videos, games, etc. they like and we can use as a resource in our classroom.
I can use this tool to have students create a collaborative lesson in groups following the model I have used in my lesson.
11) One Note - is a digital version of a hardcopy noteboook. It can organize and capture notes using images, diagrams, videos, audio links, and other related content. It can be used with Office suite, on a desktop, or on other devices.
I can use this tool to have students collaboratively work on a project due at the end of a marking period. Students will work both in class and outside of class to do research on separate parts of the project. They will use the Onenote document to input their part of the research.

Every Vote Counts Project Assignment

I can use Dotstorming to have students complete a collaborative topic question and post to the board for discussion. Responses to statements can be used to create tallys, develop ratios, percentages, or frequency table information as a class.
Students can work in groups to create a video of how to solve a unit, lesson, problems. They an use the video to help teach students the concepts.
Students can create mock lesson problems showing steps for solutions, have other students solve, etc.
Students can use this tool to create mind maps of unit, lesson, vocabulary, activities, reports, etc.
In each of these an account for the classroom needs to be set up. Then they follow it.
Tweets can be sent to admins to show what the class is doing when they can't get in to see us.
I can sent out tweets with questions that students respond to.
It can be used to send parents tweet alerts, updates, classroom photos, info, etc.
I can send out tweets on homework reminders, class photos, videos, assessment reminders, etc.
Students can work together in teams to complete a project then each student can post their reflections/response.
7) Google Forms - is a survey tool that is included with Google Docs Editor software suite along with Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. It allows collecting information from users through surveys.

Category 1 - Warms Ups, Surveys, Exit Tickets, Informal Assessments, etc.

9) Twitter is a social media site, and its primary purpose is to connect people. It allows people to share thoughts with a big audience.
Use to tweet out Warms Ups, Exit tickets,
8) Voice Thread - is a tool that allows users to record and upload, train, and collaborate on projects. It allows communication with people in non standard way. It is a web tool that allows people to gather media and allows people to have conversations, make comments via text, voice or camera.
I can use it to create warm ups, exit tickets or intro dicussions where students can post a response to focus questions either as a video, text or audio.
7) Google Forms - is a survey administration tool that is included with Google Docs Editor software suite along with Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. It allows collecting information from users through surveys. The collected information is automatically entered into a spreadsheet.
I can create exit tickets, warmups etc.
Groups can provide answers to questions regarding the lesson.
6) Padlet - is a virtual online "bulletin" board. Teachers and students can reflect ,collaborate, and share links and pictures in a secure location. With Padlet users can build a hidden wall with a custom URL.
It can be used for an exit ticket. For example, students tell me what questions they still have, or answer a specific question. They can use the drawing feature to solve the problem.
I can use for a quick warm up activity.
5) Google Docs - is a word processor offer by Google
I can use for Warm Ups, Exit Tickets, Activities, etc
4) Dotstorming - is a tool that can be used to do group braining storming and informal assessment activities. It can help a teacher gather ideas from the students and then have students vote for the favorite idea added to the shared digital cork board.
Students can view a video and then make comments about it. Students can then vote on the comments they liked best.
Use as exit ticket.
I could use it as a warm up activity. Students answer a question and I use it as a graded quiz. For example it could be a BCR where students generate a brief constructed response and turn in.
I could use it for an informal assessment opportunity from the previous unit or lesson. Students answer a question to develop real life use for the concept, etc. Students would vote for the responses and we can use this data to talk about the lesson.
I can use Dotstorming as an ice breaker activity. Students can provide responses to a statement, and we can assess the results, develop ratios, percentages, or frequency table information.
3) Youtube - is a tool that allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to playlists, report, comment on videos, and subscribe to other users. It offers a wide variety of user-generated and corporate media videos.
I could use this tool for mini lesson instructional video, curated resources, warm ups, etc.
2) Popplet is a tool that allows users to visualize ideas. Students and teachers can use it to create graphic organizers, time llnes etc. for a visual display.
I can use it for a Math Talk. As a class we can list the terms, rules, etc. for solving problems by doing a class KWL before, during or after a lesson.
I would use it for warm ups, informal assessments, or lessons activity. For example students will use it to graph the steps in the procedure of a solving an equation. Later, they can share the timeline with three other students for peer review, upload to digital portfolio.
1) Mindomo - is a tool that allows users to visualize ideas. Students and teachers can use it to create graphic organizers, time lines, etc. for visual display.
Student can create unit or lesson theme problems for other students to solve, etc.
I can have students create webs with vocabulary terms, time lines for processes in solving problems, etc.