によって Fawad Eesha 5年前.
Types and Forms of Business
Det finns flera olika typer av företag som spelar viktiga roller inom ekonomin. E-handel är en form där produkter säljs via internet, med exempel som eBay och Amazon. Enskilda firmor är företag som ägs och drivs av en enda person, vilken bär fullt ansvar för företagets vinster och förluster.
Types and Forms of Business non-profit Where the people doing the service or selling the profit do not get money from the business. ex;red cross,habitat for humanity. Habitat for Humanity Red Cross manufacturing businesses that make products and other stuff in factories usually using machines. ex;Shoe manufacturing,towel manufacturing,candle manufacturing. Candle manufacturing Shoe manufacturing Co-operative A private business that is owned by its members, or the people who use its products. The members also use the co-op business’ services/products. Ocean Spray - Agriculture Do it Best - Hardware Store Franchise When business owners - called franchisees- sell their business rights to like logo and name to third party operators - called franchisers. Starbucks McDonalds Corporation A corporation has board of directors that guide the business as a separate legal entity Coca-Cola Microsoft Partnership When two or more individuals start a business together as co-owners. The profits, loss, debts, etc are all split between the owners. Uber Spotify Sole Proprietorship A business owned and run by one person and not a business partnership. The owner is fully responsible for business loss, gain, debts, etc. local grocery store tutoring service e-commerce a business that sells products through the internet. ex; ebay,amazon. merchandising a business that sells a product. ex;Clothing stores,grocery stores. service Subtopic a business that helps or does work for their costumers. ex;cell phone repair,restaurant.