Types of Tissues
The body is composed of various tissue types, each serving distinct functions vital for overall health and functionality. Muscle tissue, including skeletal, smooth, and cardiac types, is essential for movement and the functioning of organs such as the heart.
Types of Tissues Connective Tissue Bone Bones Protects and supports organs Cartilage Ears and Nose Forms support for body and covers the ends of bones Reticular Tissue Spleen, Lymphoids Supports blood cells and lymphoid organs
Produces white blood cells Elastic Tissue Stomach, lungs, bladder Supports structures that change size Dense Tissue Ligament, tendon, skin Forms muscles and dermis Adipose It's found mainly in fat Protects the body, insulates, and stores energy Blood It's found in vessels, veins, and the heart Carries products throughout the body to the cells Loose Connective Tissue Found in fat and every organ system in the body Protects the body and holds the organs together Nervous Tissue Neurons Creates neurons
Send electrical signals to the body Epithelial Tissue Pseudo Stratified Columnar Lining air passageways and reproductive tubes Secretion and cilia aided movement Stratified Cubodial Salivary glands and sweat glands Stratified Squamous Mouth and esophagus Protection Simple Columnar Intestines and stomach Simple Cubodial Kidneys Secretion and absorbtion Simple Squamous Tissue Lungs Diffusion and filtration Muscle Tissue Skeletal Near bones and skin Pulls on bones to create movement Cardiac The heart Helps the heart pump blood to the body Smooth In hollow organs like the stomach To contract and expand in hollow organs
Digest, move blood through the body