カテゴリー 全て - mutations - rna - dna - proteins

によって Rachel Hi 4年前.



DNA and RNA are essential molecules that manage genetic information in living organisms. DNA is structured as a double helix with a backbone of phosphate groups and pentose sugars, and nitrogenous bases forming the rungs.



Mendel and Inheritance

Genotype: genetic makeup of an organism

dominant alleles are descried using capital letter

Recessive alleles are represented by lower case

phenotype: the appearance of a trait in an organism
Heterozygous/ hybrid inheritance
having 2 alleles (dominant and recessive) for a trait for
homozygous/Pure inheritance
having the same alleles for a trait
Mendel and the pea
study inheritance traits
the pea was a good observant since it was readily available and reproduction was controllable
beginning of learning about inheritance traits
Dihybrid crosses - shows the possible offspring for 2 traits
mendelian ration 9:3:3:1
Monohybrid crosses - 1 trait crosses
complete dominance is 1 allele is always dominant over the other

the law of segregation - 1 allele from each parent code - For ex: Yy

incomplete dominance -neither alleles are dominant but are both expressed

produces a new phenotype

complete dominance - one allele is not completely dominant

(blending of the 2)

Meiosis: is the production of gamete cells

In the end 4 haploid daughter cells are produced
Meiosis 2: similar to mitosis (cell division)
telophase (II): nuclei forms and cytokenesis occurs
Anaphase (II): contracting to each poles
metaphase (II): Sister chromatids are splitting apart from metaphase plate (II)
Prophase (II) : preparing for the separation
Meiosis 1: will cross over genetic information between chromosome pairs + reduce chromosome number in half
Telophase 1

each pole now has a haploid set of chromosomes

Anaphase 1

homologue chromosomes split to each side of the poles

sister chromatids attach to the centromere

Metaphase 1

shortest phase where independent assortment occurs

genetic information is shared

tetrads align on the interphase plate

Prophase 1

synapsed the process of homologue chromosomes creating a tetrad


interphase (preparation of meiosis)

duplicate chromosomes with 2 identical sister chromatids

chromosomes replicated (s phase)

Non-Disjunction: happens when chromosomes do not divide precisely

there is an extra X chromosome for a male
one of the X chromosomes is missing or altered
a genetic mutation caused by an extra partial or full chromosome on the 21st set

Reproductive strategies

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
procedure used prior detect any genetic disorders before implantation
stem cells
are cells in our body that can specialize in different parts of our body
transgenic organisms
beneficial to our society in finding ways to prevent or to cure diseases
used to produce medical proteins or treatments
reproductive cloning
reproducing genetically identical organisms
therapeutic cloning
producing genetically identical cells to help treat diseases if needed
In vitro fertilization
used to fertilize an egg outside of the females body and egg combined in the laboratory with the sperm

Body cells and chromosomes

somatic cells
body cells

skin cells, brain cells etc

contain a normal amount of chromosomes (46)

diploid # = 2N

one homologue comes from the father and the other comes from the mother
Karyotype is the display of human chromosomes
homologue chromosomes

pair of chromosomes (maternal, paternal)

homologues pairs (Tetrads) carry genes controlling an inherited trait

each position of the gene is in the same position as a homologue

gamete cells
Sex cell including sperm and Ova (egg) cells

sperm located in testes

ova located in the ovaries

During ovulation ovum is released and transported to the fallopian tube

23+23=2N (46) a fertilize egg
contains 1/2 number of chromosomes = haploid (n)


Possibility on not passing to the offspring but can be dangerous for coming generations
caused by: errors throughout cell division, replication, transcription and external agents
RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
single strand of nucleotides and it occurs in a variety of lengths and shapes.

MRNA : is a type of RNA leaves the nucleus (VIA endoplasmic reticulum) with the code of protein

Nucleotides sequencing transcribed from DNA to mRNA, this is a genetic message

Amino Acids is a type of protein

20 possible combinations of amino acids

production of proteins STOP and START codons

20AA act like the alphabet

64 different combinations

RNA contains a replacement nitrogenous base thymine for URACIL (U)
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
DNA to protein

sequences of nucleotides in DNA contain information

are put to work through proteins

protein fold into 3D shapes and are key regulators

DNA replication

when two daughter cells duplicate, they must contain the same genetic information as a parent cell

DNA replicates its chromosomes through DNA replication

each cell has a copy of DNA that is present in the zygote

DNA structure

Codons are bases arranged in sequences of triplets

Coding can change the entirety of an organism

must be paired with the correct base bonds

phosphate group and pentose sugar form a backbone in DNA

Nucleotides such as phosphate group, pentose sugar and nitrogenous bases

Nitrogenous bases form rungs

Guanine and Cytosine

Adenine and thymine

arranged in a ladder like structure called double helix

final word in hereditary traits since it controls the structure of protein

depend on proteins called enzymes (ex: saliva)

Prenatal Testing

Understand what the results of these tests will mean for you and your family
measures the fluid at the back of a baby’s neck
doctor is removing a few cells from the developing placenta
women who are at risk should get this procedure done
if a fetus has a particular genetic disorder

Down syndrome, sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis etc