カテゴリー 全て - environment - vocabulary - clauses - pronouns

によって Andrea Blázquez 11年前.



Relative clauses are used to provide additional information about nouns in a sentence and are categorized into defining and non-defining clauses. Defining clauses are essential to the meaning of the sentence and do not require commas, while non-defining clauses offer extra details and are set off by commas.



Flood: Water that invades streets and houses. (inundación)

Climate: The weather in a specific Earth's area. (clima)

Global warming: Problem caused by the greenhouse effect. (calentamiento global)

Earthquake: Violent movements caused by internal waves that the earth produces when the tectonic plates chafe each other. (terremoto)

Factory: The place where people helped by machines manufacture things. (fábrica)

Greenhouse: The place where plants grow. (invernadero)

Rubbish: = garbage. (basura) It's used to say that some stuff is a shit too. Ex: That freaking exercise is rubbish.(very colloquial)

Environment: All that surround us. (medio ambiente)

Pollution: The air's rubbish that comes from some factories, cars... (contaminación)

Waste: The opposite of save. (malgastar)

Saving: Not to waste money. (ahorrar)

Recycling: To use something used again. (reciclar)

Trafic jam : lot of cars on the road that don't almost move. (atasco)

Unit 5.

Defining clauses

Give relevant information

Non defining clauses

Give extra information
THAT can't be used in non defining relative clauses
There should be a comma before and after the relative clause.

non-defining vs defining relative clauses


It's not necessary to write the subject because relative pronouns can act as the subject or as the object of a sentence. In the non definig sentences you can't omit them!! Ex:This the guy who writes the novel.


WHEN Refers to a time expression. Ex:We remember the day when we meet the new student.
WHICH Refers to an animal or a thing. Ex:The jewels which she bought are from India.
WHERE Refers to places. Ex: This is the hotel were we had slept last weekend.
WHOSE Express possesion for people.animal and things. Is always followed by a noun. Ex: He married a woman whose father is a millionaire.
THAT Used with people,animals and things. Can be replace by... Who,when and which. Ex: Who took the money that was in my wallet?
WHO Refers to a person. Ex: The girl who was dancing at the party is my sister.

Things to remember.