によって Thulani Gawie 3年前.
The document outlines various scenarios and conditions for mapping Unit Response Status (URS) to Workforce Status (WFS) within a hierarchical agency structure. It highlights the different roles involved, such as Call Taker, Dispatcher, and Responder.
URS - WFS MAPPING TRIGGER - 48746 PRE-CONDITIONS At least one Unit Response Status is mapped to a Workforce Status on a tenant
#FEATURE URS-WFS MAPPING #SCENARIO SET IN ROOT AGENCY ONLY THEN the child agency config should apply WHEN a child agency is also setup #SCENARIO SET DIFFERENT CONFIG IN ROOT AGENCY AND CHILD AGENCY THEN the root agency config should not apply root agency config WHEN a child agency is not setup GIVEN a root agency has URS to WFS config setup #SCENARIO URS NOT MAPPED TO WFS AND THEN URS MAPPED TO WFS THEN the vehicle WFS should be updated one the second instance WHEN vehicles updated to URS not mapped to a WFS
AND then updated to URS mapped to a WFS #SCENARIO URS MAPPED TO WFS AND THEN ONE NOT MAPPED TO WFS THEN the vehicle WFS should update once in the first instance WHEN vehicles URS is updated to one mapped to a WFS
AND updated to another URS not mapped to a WFS #SCENARIO URS CHANGE BY SELF ATTACH WHEN ALREADY ASSIGNED TO AN INCIDENT WHEN self-attaching to another incident
AND changing URS on initial incident to one mapped to WFS GIVEN a vehicle is already assign to an incident and is responding/on scene #SCENARIO URS CHANGE BY SELF DISPATCH THEN responder WFS should update automatically WHEN creating an incident
AND updated URS mapped to WFS #SCENARIO URS CHANGE ON MOBILE GIVEN a responder is logged into Mobile app #SCENARIO NO URS MAPPED TO WFS THEN WFS should not be update
AND there should be no errors WHEN updating vehicle/personnel URS GIVEN there are no URSs mapped to WFSs #SCENARIO MANUAL WORKFORCE STATUS CHANGE THEN vehicle WFS should be updated to new WFS and saved WHEN updating vehicle WFS manually GIVEN a vehicle is assigned to an incident
AND vehicle is on WFS mapped to URS #SCENARIO INCIDENT STATUS CHANGE ON ORDERS GRIDS WHEN updating incident status on orders grid to URS mapped to WFS #SCENARIO INCIDENT STATUS CHANGE ON ASSETS GRIDS WHEN updating incident status on asset grid to URS mapped to WFS #SCENARIO URS CHANGE ON MDC THEN the responder's WFS should update automatically WHEN updating to URS mapped with WFS GIVEN a responder is logged into MDC #SCENARIO B LOCATION URS CHANGE FOR VEHCILE WHEN updated B location to URS mapped to WFS GIVEN a vehicle is assigned an incident
AND B location is added to incident THEN vehicle WFS should update automatically #SCENARIO URS CHANGE ON VEHICLE WITH CREW THEN the vehicle and crew's WFS should automatically change to mapped WFS #SCENARIO URS CHANGE ON CREW IN VEHICLE THEN only the crew's WFS should automatically change to mapped WFS WHEN crew URS is change to a mapped WFS GIVEN a vehicle with crew is assigned to an incident #SCENARIO URS CHANGE ON VEHICLE WITHOUT CREW THEN the vehicle's WFS should automatically change to mapped WFS WHEN vehicle URS is change to a mapped WFS #SCENARIO URS CHANGE ON PERSONNEL THEN the personnel's WFS should automatically change to mapped WFS WHEN personnel URS is change to a mapped WFS #SCENARIO SUBSEQUENT URS MAPPED TO WFS CHANGE ON VEHICLE THEN the vehicle WFS should be updated automatically on both instances WHEN vehicles URS is updated to one mapped to a WFS
AND updated to another URS mapped to a different WFS #SCENARIO URS CHANGE ON MULTIPLE VEHICLES AND PERSONNELS THEN all vehicles and personnel WFS should update automatically WHEN vehicles and personnel URSs are changed to ones mapped with WFSs GIVEN 2 vehicles and 2 personnel are assigned to an incident #SCENARIO URS CHANGE BY CLEARING VEHICLES ON INCIDENT THEN the vehicle WFS should automatically update WHEN clearing the vehicle on the incident and updating URS to one that is mapped to WFS GIVEN a vehicle is assigned to an incident