によって An Huynh 13年前.
prevent the user put 2 or 3 buttons in the same time.it requires more memory in the system->cost more money
load the system from the previous screen to the next screen faster
user do not take a heavy push into the screen
have the hep function to help user understand the meaning of each tabs
Use simple and understandable noun phase or verb phase in each tabs
Have the fuction to bring user into the main screen when they get lost(home fuction)
Have the description pictures in each tab->users can guess what is going on in the next screen
Confirm the decision of user in the important or big task in the system.
have the undo/go back function for user can go back and check the information in the previous screen
have the instruction function for each tab when click the icon "?"
have a thick crystal on the screen the stand with the strong finger touch force
the tab have to be big so with the big hand or small hand can touch its easily
seat in the wheel chair
the screen must not be too high
Volume adjustment
Have a picture in each main tab for user realize what is in the tab an
The system have the specific sound instruction function.
The cover metal should be easy to clean
The design metal can stand with different kinds of weather such as rain,snow or sun shine
Have a shade to protect user and the machine from snow and rain or heavy sunlight.
the cover metal should be easy to clean(Aluminium)
simple shape designed to easy to carry when it is nessaray to move to different places