によって Linda Bruning 13年前.
Web 2.0 Teaching Theater Resources
The given text outlines a variety of comprehensive resources aimed at different aspects of theater education and production. It covers tools and lesson plans for directing, including stage blocking and virtual production notebooks.
Web 2.0 Teaching Theater Resources Acting and Creative Dramatics The Different Styles of Acting Method Acting - vtheater Acting Method Drama Activities Acting Exercises Creative Drama Lesson Plans Theater Games Creative Dramatics Learn Improv Improvisational Games and Activities General Theater Basics Shakespeare's Theater Virtual Tour The Art and Science of Theater - ThinkQuest Directing Directors Note Book - Virtual Production Notebook Blocking Notation - Stage Directions Celtx - Stage Blocking Tab Theater Arts Education Resources Education Agency Lesson Plans and Assessments Theater Lesson Plan Exchange - Lesson Plans - All Grade Levels ARTSWORK Subtopic
ArtsEdge Lesson Plans, Assessments, Standards Playwriting ScriptBuddy - Writing Software Celtx - Scriptwriting Software Technical Theater Makeup Design Fashion Designer - Makeup Tab Makeup Designer Costume Design Dress Up Challenge Virtual Fashion Lighting Design Gobo Visualizer Virtual Ligh LAb Set Design Virtualis3D Virtual Set Desin