カテゴリー 全て - collaboration - organization - communication - sharing

によって Jesse Whitson 6年前.


Web 2.0 Tools and Apps

Various digital tools and apps streamline collaboration, communication, and organization. Google Drive and Google Docs facilitate sharing and editing text documents, videos, and spreadsheets among coworkers, teachers, and coaches.

Web 2.0 Tools and Apps

Web 2.0 Tools and Apps

Apps for Organizing

Habit List
This mobile app allows you to set reminders for yourself while completing a long term task

This would be a great tool for a teacher, coach or administrator to use throughout the course of a unit or season to remind them of certain tasks that need to be completed by a certain time

This mobile app allows you to assign a priority to each item on your agenda

I would use this app on a daily basis to help myself prioritize my daily tasks

This app allows the user to take notes that are instantly saved on their mobile device

I like this app because it is a quick and easy way to take notes whenever you have them. I use this frequently to take notes during competitions, during/after class, or any other time of day

Class Dojo
This app allows you to take attendance, reward points or point deductions, and create notes for students/athletes/etc

I would use this app to provide feedback to my students/athletes regarding their performance on an assignment/practice/game

Group Me
This app allows you to create a large contact group on your phone that you can send reminders to at one time

This is a great way to communicate with a team about schedules/changes

Remind 101
This app is similar to Group Me. It allows for mass group texts to be sent all at once

I use this to remind students and athletes about sheduling

This app is a great way to communicate updates, schedules and results to the public

Our wrestling team reports results shares pictures and reminders on this app. It is a great way to reach the general public

Apps for Communicating

This app allows the user to share pictures, videos, results, and captions

Our wrestling team uses this to share photos and results from events

Apps for Collaborating

This is a private chat that allows its users to get notifications from twitter

I have not used this yet but I think this would be a great tool to use because you can receive notifications from other apps such as twitter which can provide added information for conversation/collaboration

This app allows the user to follow various people online for various sources of information while also providing a forum for collaboration on various topics

I use this app to follow various coaches i.e. football, wrestling, strength in order to gather information about the way they run their programs

Tools for Creating

Google Video
This tool allows the user to make short videos.

This tool would be great for a flipped classroom setting or to provide instruction for assistant coaches/athletes/etc

Google Slides
This tool allows the user to create slides of information similar to a powerpoint

I have switched to google slides because it has the same features as power point but you have the ability to share the slides and allow them to be edited or viewed only

Google Sites
This tool allows the user to create a site with large amounts of organized information

This tool is used in the classroom to create entire units of study. It allows the teacher to locate all the information for a unit in one location. You can upload videos, notes, worksheets etc.

Google Keep
This tool allows the user to create lists

This tool is new to me. I would like to start using it to create lists of important links that I use frequently during certain teaching units

Google Sheets
This tool allows the user to create spreadsheets

I use this to create attendance sheets, take statistics, and organize uniform checkout/sizes etc for my team

Tools for Organizing

Google Calendar
This tool is an interactive calendar that allows the user to post events and event details. It also sends reminders to your phone of scheduled events

We use this heavily in the workplace to remind ourselves of team meetings or staff meetings

Google Classroom
This tool allows you to build an online class where assignments, notes, and reminders can be uploaded

I use this for my team. Typically used to post reminders and schedule updates for parents and athletes

Standard email

We use this to communicate with other coaches, teachers, coworkers throughout the day, week, etc

Tools for Collaborating and Communicating

Google Drive
This tool allows you to share text docs, video, sheets, pictures, etc

I use this to share video and larger text docs with coworkers

Google Docs
This tool allows you to create text documents and share them for viewing or editing purposes

I use this to share text docs with teachers and practice plans with assistant coaches